by :
Rahadian Irfan Istiarto
Alvin Chandra Kusuma
Laksmono Jati Radianto
SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta
Jalan C.Simanjuntak 2 Yogyakarta
(0274) 513335 552233
First – we all pray to God Almighty, For the grace and guidance – we can finish His work is very well written. And thanks go to everyone who helped in completing this paper, especially:
1. Mr. Rudy Prakanto, S.Pd, M.Eng. As tutor
2. Our parents who gave given full support
Subject of this paper is organized systematically by groouping interrelated. Easy – I hope the paper that hass been done with care can also be useful to readers and can be disseminated to the audience. Finally, comments, critics, and suggestion even any feedback in any way that we received from readers will be happy to repair this paper
Yogyakarta, October 2012
As the cultural city of Yogyakarta has lots of traditional foods and most made from bananas. Because many processed foods and banana peel termanfaatkan and not become trash the author tried to take advantage of potential banana skins. The author decided to process using pyrolysis i.e. objects in dry until moisture content less than 12% in continue with temperature pyrolysis unit at 550 C, of this process generated two basic products namely, liquid smoke and charcoal as a residue. Both products have been mentioned can be processed into other products. Processed products which will be used by authors as a preservative fuel is safe and can be consumed in the community.
Chapter I
A Background
Yogyakarta is a city in all their traditional culture and traditional foods, mostly made from bananas. For example, pisang goreng, pisang rebus, molen, nagasari, gethuk pisang, garang asem, and others. All the food is made from bananas that raises many banana peels that are wasted in vain without any utilization or recycling process
References:, October 22nd 2012, October 22nd 2012, October 22nd 2012, October 22nd 2012 Dewati, Retno, 2008, LIMBAH KULIT PISANG KEPOK SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU PEMBUATAN ETHANOL, Surabaya, UPN ”Veteran” Jatim