The public is manipulated in a way which what they see and hear through media is an altered version of the truth, with the Government abusing the use of technology to retain its power. Winston Smith in 1894 works in Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where he rectifies articles from newspapers and other prints to ensure that the Party is always proven right in their statements. This form of deception is similarly demonstrated in V for Vendetta, where the media reports altered versions of events in their news programmes. However, these forms of manipulation have different effects on the society. In V for Vendetta, the public are immediately told a lie, so no other recollections would contend with the information, however, in 1984, memories can interfere with what is considered as the truth. An example of this is how the Party constantly changes who Oceania is at war with. Winston remembers when the state was at war with Eurasia, however the Party constantly emphasises how they have always been at war with Eastasia. As documents are continually being changed, there is no proof to Winston’s memories, or the memories of others, so the recollections are simply considered as
The public is manipulated in a way which what they see and hear through media is an altered version of the truth, with the Government abusing the use of technology to retain its power. Winston Smith in 1894 works in Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where he rectifies articles from newspapers and other prints to ensure that the Party is always proven right in their statements. This form of deception is similarly demonstrated in V for Vendetta, where the media reports altered versions of events in their news programmes. However, these forms of manipulation have different effects on the society. In V for Vendetta, the public are immediately told a lie, so no other recollections would contend with the information, however, in 1984, memories can interfere with what is considered as the truth. An example of this is how the Party constantly changes who Oceania is at war with. Winston remembers when the state was at war with Eurasia, however the Party constantly emphasises how they have always been at war with Eastasia. As documents are continually being changed, there is no proof to Winston’s memories, or the memories of others, so the recollections are simply considered as