When conducting research, people that are being studied does not participate without give their consent prior to the study being conducted. When it comes to research study, the outcome of people who volunteer versus the people who do not volunteer will be slightly different (Vogt, 2007). For example, individuals that are studied without prior consent could be the ones that are observed in public places or anonymously. Another example would be college students taking online classes. The outcome of individuals volunteer in completing a class online as opposed to those who refrain from online classes will differ. It almost sounds contradicting because, if people who did not give their consent to be studied, but agreed to the study, they would still be considered …show more content…
When a study is conducted in a certain amount of time, the validity of that study could be jeopardized by events that takes place when the researcher has no control over the matter (Vogt, 2007). One way to protect validity pertaining to history events is to initiate more than one measurement frequently. If the researcher conducts these multiple measurements and not just one measurement at the end of the study, it helps them maintain control over the research study. The timing of the events can then be determined and can change the variable