
Valkyrie: Assassination Plot By A German Officer Against Hitler

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Valkyrie: Assassination Plot By A German Officer Against Hitler

Valkyrie is about the July 20 attempted assassination plot by a group of German officers against Hitler, after people started to realize he was insane. It's based on the unbelievable true story of Col. Claus Von Stauffenberg and July 20th assassination plot targeting Hitler. This so-called thriller reenacts the operation to eliminate one of the most evil tyrants the world has ever known. What drew me to this film over others on the list was I actually had this one at my house that was so convenient I simply couldn't pass it up. Although I would've rather watched saving Pvt. Ryan or Flags Of Our Fathers.

The movie opens up with the scene with Col. Stauffenberg in what is North Africa. Stauffenberg and the other German troops were moving in a convoy when an Allied plane swooped down and hit them with
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Meanwhile two other German officers try to kill Hitler with a bomb aboard Hitlers personal aircraft. The bomb of course fails to detonate, and Hitler survives. It is when Nazi General Olbricht needs a replacement for an officer who was arrested is when Stauffenburg gets involved. This is when Stauffenberg officially joins the resistance. It was some time later that Stauffenberg dreamed up his plans, he obtained the information that using operation Valkyrie, which involved the use of the reserve army take control if there was a national emergency. The conspirators carefully redrafted the plans in order so that they could remake Germany after Hitler was dead. Unfortunately for the group of conspirators General Fromm was the only one who could give the orders for Valkyrie. In return for his help Stauffenburg told Fromm he could be in charge of the Whechtermact after they succeeded in killing Hitler. The changed operation Valkyrie orders still needed to be signed by Hitler. In the movie Stauffenberg brought the modified Valkyrie orders directly before Hitler. Hitler praised him

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