1. Introduction 1
2. Leadership effectiveness in different management levels 1
3. Criticize different leadership styles in various management levels 3
4. Review leadership five power source in different management levels 4
5. Critical review how ethics influence on leadership 5
6. Review social responsibilities’ positive impact on leadership 5
7. Analyze stakeholders and their goals have influenced on leadership 6
8. The relationship between society and leadership 6
9. Conclusion 7
10. Reference List 9
1. Introduction
Nowadays, leadership plays extremely important role in most of the business in the world. The assignment basically includes the main aspects of leadership theory and analysis; leadership in different management levels, leadership ethics, and how does social responsibilities influence leadership.
Leadership effectiveness does work in different management level, for example, lower management level, middle management level and top management level, through different leadership styles. Five power sources for any leadership would have to face ethic dilemma. Social responsibility positively impact on leadership as well as society.
The CEO of P&G , A.G. Lafley create significant innovation, increases total number of sales, apply leadership in customer relationship , human resource management and also adopt an appropriate method in research and development, organization, operation and marketing.
2. Leadership effectiveness in different management levels
Supervisory or Lower Level of Management. (Akrani,G 2011)
The lower level management performs:
1. Along with the experience and basic management skills, they also require more technical and communication skills.
2. They develops morale in the workers
Scenario exemplify
Jim Stengel, Procter chief marketing officer develop his own way to deal with customers. He argues with people who spend less than 4 hours a month with