The value chain offers a view of the organization as a cumulative build-up of added value for the customer through the interaction between key operational activities. The key element of the value chain is not just the added…
In order for a firm to create competitive advantage, it needs to create a set of activites that can deliver value to the specific product and services it offers to its customers. To start talking about my life as a “value chain”, I may need to compare it to a specific product”. This is going to take precedence both in my personal life and professional life.…
Figure 1: Top Ten U.S Airlines International Schedules Enplanements, 2008 {draw:frame} {text:bookmark-start} American Airlines engagement in E-Business {text:bookmark-end} AA website has more than 1.6 million site visits per day. AA is deeply dependent on e business as their website involves functioning of many online distribution channels doing business online 24-7. To add to that, at customers are provided with comprehensive services such as, they can search for and book low fares and award travel; select seats; make hotel, rental car and cruise reservations; get flight arrival and departure information; sign up for flight status notification and even check in and print boarding passes. Providing such services to customers involves aligning with other business partners and stakeholders via online alliances. Other services are, availability of RSS feeds at their website, customers can manage their personalized AAdvantage account online, as well as sign up to receive emails, get customized DealFinder SMS alerts and also customers can compare various flight fare options according to their choices online. Additionally, AA has done localization and adaptation of website in terms of language, pricing, advertisements, communication with local stakeholders and culture for international markets covering North America, Caribbean, South America, Central America, Europe, and Asia and the Pacific. has twice received the World Travel Award for World's Leading Airline Internet Site. (American Airlines, 2009) Surveys done by SITA (2008) on priorities or reasons for IT investment by airlines given in table 1 below, four main priorities have been identified. Figure 2: Priorities in the IT investment decision {draw:frame} Therefore, it is trend in airline industry to adopt technology, it is not different or strategic of AA to invest in technology; they need to do it to survive in the industry. It can also be confirmed by BDC consulting e-business…
Successful companies are successful because of their ability manage the intrinsic concept which develops and evolves their value chain and competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with a compelling argument as to why an effective value chain creates competitive advantage. The author will also discuss and provide an analysis of the following: three critical concepts when thinking about how a value chain creates competitive advantage in relation to the value chain, competitive advantage, and customer delight. The author will also discuss the inter-relationship of these three concepts, provide examples of successful companies, and finally, provide examples of unsuccessful companies.…
This report on JetBlue identifies how they have become an innovator in the airline industry by targeting customers who value a low-cost, customer conscious airline. They have formulated strategies that have enabled them to operate in a highly efficient and effective manner while realizing the importance of aligning their strategies with their environment. The report thoroughly discusses the strengths and weaknesses that the company possesses in their internal environment, followed by an in-depth analysis of the threats and opportunities of existing within their external environment. The strategy of the company is analyzed in comparison with both their internal and external environment in order to formulate possible strategic recommendations. Proper implementation strategies of the recommendations are also given to identify how the company can be better aligned with its environment and continue to grow as a highly successful company in the airline industry.…
In an extremely regulated and thus relatively uniform industry such as the commercial airline industry, the successful airline is the organization which sets itself apart from the competition. Within an industry that requires customer planning to interface with flight schedules and security measures, a major operational aspect which can aid an airline in gaining an edge on the competition is customer service. The effective consumption of air travel (finding flights, buying tickets, getting through the airport, boarding a plane, and finally reaching the final destination) is not the same simple consumer –supplier relationship that the consumer experiences in a trip through the Wal-Mart checkout counter; the nature of air travel makes the interaction between the airline and the customer very complex. Almost every facet of the complex relationship between the airline and customer can generate a large amount of stress for the consumer; consumers find poor customer service in the face of tight travel deadlines and paid for travel plans that did not necessarily go as intended extremely frustrating.…
Airborne Express has created a value chain that has all of the parts that Porter described in his book. Management has done an excellent job of organizing the value chain and realizing who their target market is. Although it may seem like Airborne Express is leaving revenue on the table by only providing services for a select group of customers, it is a good decision on the part of management to limit the customer base to only those customers which you can best provided quality service for. The five elements of the value chain are: inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, service. Airborne Express uses all of these elements very effectively in order to be successful. Efficiency of inbound and outbound logistics are essential to Airborne Express’s operations. These logistics allow Airborne Express to receive all of the packages that they are responsible for and sort them according to where they are going in the operation stage. Airborne Express’s marketing and sales staff has freedom to set prices, this allows them to adjust prices to make Airborne Express a better fit for their customers than any of their competitors. The last of the primary activities of the value chain is service. Airborne Express strives to provide excellent, customized service to all of its customers and this is what differentiates it from the competition. It is through good management of this value chain that has allowed Airborne Express to compete with the other larger companies in the…
Value flow is the, “Sequence of activities required to design, produce, and provide a specific good or service, and along which information, materials, and worth flows” (“Value Stream,” 2014). To be successful, it is vital for companies to conduct an efficient value flow throughout all operational processes. Researchers have rigorously studied and assessed the variables and effects of value flow throughout numerous industries and have developed processes such as lean SixSigma and value stream mapping. This has become increasingly important because of modern technological advances and increased competition. In today’s business environment, having a top-notch…
The value chain is a set of processes that create value and can be used not only in the business environment but also in my personal life. When the value chain can help create competitive advantage and improve my performance on the job, parenting, or when I am purchasing or providing a service. The key to any significant value chain is recognizing value added steps and by using continuous process improvement to streamline the value chain.…
Air France provides commercial flights to customers within the airline industry. Since 2006 new trends emerging suggest that this industry will reach its breakeven point of 500 million dollars. This is due partly to the fast growth rate of international travel and in the price for economy tickets (7.4%). Air France along with other airlines is uniquely suited to utilize direct online sales through e-commerce because of the fact that travel is an intangible product. With more households in the United States gaining access to broadband internet, each company within the airline industry can reach more consumers on a level playing field.…
The value chain is the groundwork for constructing competitive advantage, growth and expansion. (Putnaik & Sahoo, 2009). According to Walters & Rainbird (2007), the sheer existence of a competitive viewpoint does not warrant achievement, it is critical that businesses have value distribution sustainability.…
On February 2nd, 2005 BT (British Telecommunications plc) extended an existing human resources outsourcing deal with Accenture with a new 10-year contract valued at $576 million. The new contract expands the geographic reach of services that Accenture has been providing to BT under a previous five-year contract. BT is one of the world's leading providers of communications solutions serving customers in Europe, America and Asia Pacific. Its principal activities include IT and networking services, local, national and international telecommunications services, and higher-value broadband and internet products and services. On the other hand Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Accenture currently provides HR services to BT’s 87,000 employees and 180,000 pensioners in the United Kingdom. Under the new contract, Accenture will provide services to those BT employees and pensioners plus another 10,000 BT employees in 37 countries around the world who were not covered in the previous contract.…
The value chain, made by Michael Porter, is really important to see how a company structure is created. The value chain is constituted by two parts: support activities (firm infrastructure, human resource management, technology development, procurement) and primary activities (inbound logistic, operations, outbound logistic, marketing and sales, service). (Johnson et al. 2011, p.97-99)…
By "piggy-backing" on Arthur Anderson at a fortunate time, Accenture was able to correctly view the tide of the consulting business and branch out into the staffing business. I doing so, Accenture has successfully filled a niche by being able to supply the staff needed to accomplish the innovative ideas it provides to its clients. Says Ian Watmore, Accenture's U.K. chief, "Unless you can provide both transformational consulting and outsourcing capability, you're not going to win" (Keller & Kotler, 1994/2006, 367).…
B2C or Business direct to customer is quite convenient and efficient with airline business (Kotler, 2008) . This reduces the need of sell agents as intermediary. As a result of this, Virgin Atlantic Airways can sell plane ticket at a lower price. Furthermore, e-business technology can increase foreign passengers through Virgin Atlantic Airways booking system. This is because foreign passengers can check the route , flight data and prices to compare with other airline. However, if they find Virgin Atlantic Airways suit their need more , they will book directly with Virgin Atlantic Airways.…