Note Language: English Version: 5 Validity:
Valid Since 07.06.2007
Value help window crashes with error -2147417848 (80010108) . This happens, when selecting a value by moving to the righ handside of value help selection window in Query Designer or Analyzer.Sometimes, this is followed by an runtime error '440'.This error happens only in SAP GUI 7.10 installation and not in previous versions of SAP GUI. Also, this occurs only with the old BW 3.5 front-end tools.
More Terms
Selector, query designer, Analyzer, restrict values, F4 help
Cause and Prerequisites
Change of behaviour in calendar control used by the value help window
Solution General Information
This note contains attached files whose code will be included in "BW 3.5 Frontend Patch 1 for SAPGUI 7.10" This note is given as a hotfix. It contains the installation instructions for the attached files. This file is released for emergency fix and did not undergo normal testing process of SAP. All the customers will get the correction with Patches mention above.
0. Close all the Bex Analyzer related tools,especially the Query Designer 1. Go to the folder C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPGui ( if SAP GUI is installed in a different folder, please use that folder ) 2. Copy the following file in the above folder and keep it as a back-up i) wdbsPres.dll . 3. Replace the file mentioned above(wdbspres.dll) by the file attached with this note. ( Please extract and use the file wdbspres.dll ) 4. Now the file is ready to be used by the BEx frontend tools
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SAP Note 1039191 Value help window crashes with run-time error -2147417848
Error Corrections
This hot fix corrects the following error in particular: In the querydesigner, when the user selects "Restrict Values" from context menu and invokes value help and then moves one or more values from Left side to right