Under these definitions, all illnesses are diseases, but not all diseases are illnesses. In my opinion, classifying diseases involves both a value judgment and a medical judgement. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument, potential problems with both sides, and the hybrid theory that attempts to resolve these problems within objectivism and normativism.
Within the normativist belief there are two different sides. The strong normativists believe that judgements about disease are purely value judgements and no not have any biological element. They believe that an unhealthy condition expresses societal disapproval of that condition. Weak normativists, however, believe there is both a normative element and a descriptive element. They believe that conditions are labeled as diseases if they are undesirable, but they also have a biological element to them. One of the main arguments of normativism is homosexuality. Up until the 1970s, homosexuality was considered a disease. Currently, it would be extremely abnormal for someone to think about homosexuality as a disease.