Alijis, Bacolod City
In Partial fulfillment
Of the Subject Tourism II
Submitted to Miss. Ricah Desta R. Te
Tour Adviser
OCTOBER 10, 2012
Submitted By:
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Learning Objectives
III. Individual Learning Objectives
IV. Journal
a. Tourism Industry
b. Tourism Entities
c. Tourism Destination Development
d. Hindrances in Tourism Operation
e. Government Tourism Planning and Policy
f. Environmental Conservation of the Destination
V. Learning Outcome
VI. Reaction/Comment
One of the most essential things for tourism to be successful in a particular place is the quality of The environment, both natural and man-made. It has a big contribution to tourism industry and the reason why people tend to go back again and again. It entices different types of people for relaxation, leisure and travel, family bonding, and recreational activities that help them to relieve stress and forget for a while the stressful work. Beyond expectations, Tourism is mainly the first priority of the Philippine government today be cause it generates income for economic stabilization and to sustain its people’s need in the said community.
Tourism is indeed in demand nowadays especially for activities and leisure travels with family friends and co-workers. It is very essential for an individual to have a tour on different cities, countries and continents. It has also huge benefits to the economic government of one’s country especially in the Philippines because it promotes its biological and natural resources where people tend to go and visit thus it generates income to help the economy and somehow provides budgets for railroads in terms of transportations.
This said cycle has positive effects to the environment yet it has also negative effects towards our eco-system. For example in transportation its consequences is that tourism is responsible for a large amount of air transmissions that causes air pollutions that can damage the environment and eco-system.
So let’s discover the world of tourism industry. This study is focused on how the students of John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation – Bacolod observed and experience their educational tour towards tourism and may tourism industry contributes knowledge and ideas towards their future work and how they deal with different tourism factors that can help on their studies.
This research is anchored to the learning objectives that that may help the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management Major In Cruise Ship Services students of John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation – Bacolod. This learning objectives are as follows:
Critical Thinking: to provide technical, analytical, and conceptual skills appropriate for tourism industry.
Communication: to comprehend and articulate written and oral communication as
appropriate for tourism environments.
Professional Knowledge: to apply strategies for managing diverse, multicultural
tourism industry
Integrative Learning: to understand the concepts and application of managerial,
financial, computer and technical skills that are needed to be
successful within the tourism industry.
Civic Responsibility: to prepare hospitality undergraduate candidates for entry
Level tourism management positions with a specific focus on
Individual social and environmental perspectives.
This research is anchored to the individual learning objectives that that may or may not help the students of John B. Lacson Colleges Foundation – Bacolod. This individual learning objectives are as follows:
Critical thinking: to provide analytical and conceptual skills appropriate for tourism industry. Communication: to improve and provide comprehension and articulate written with
oral communication as appropriate for tourism industry.
Managerial skills: To prepare individuals in tourism management level
performance upright for the positions in tourism industry.
Integrative Learning: To be able to learn and understand the concepts of tourism industry especially its scope and limitations.
Exposure: To be able to experience and showcase individual talents for future
work and investments regarding tourism and to develop full self confi-
dent when facing tourism industry.
Logical Reasoning: To learn and provide proper, exact and reliable reasons and
information’s trough facts whenever facing different types of
problems and situations in tourism industry
A. Tourism Industry
C. Tourism Destination Development
D. Hindrances in Tourism Operation
Firstly, about tourism as an upcoming industry: People these days are more and more ad venturous, curious to know more about other cultures, other countries, other people and other religions! People don't mind travelling to gather first hand information anymore! And, spending money to confirm what they see on TV channels about potentials of a relaxed holiday far away from home, is no problem anymore! Communication has improved so much that we are truly are global, wherever we are: and the same fast and effective com munication stimulates us to travel more to extend our physical presence to places that we read about, talk about, think about> The result all this is, Tourism as an industry has developed tremendous potential swiftly in a few recent years! And, it is still developing in that direction, everywhere, almost everywhere in various parts of the world, for reasons of scenic beauty in some places, spiritual worth in some, opulence and living style in some other places, openly offered modern comforts and health facilities in some places etc.!
Here are some Hindrances of Tourism Industry
1. Political Considerations and Corruptions
2. Poor Transport Facilities
3. Roads and power problems
4. Communication inadequacies (telephones!),
E. Government Tourism Planning and Policies
Formulate an integrated sustainable tourism management plan for Central Philippines,
identifying viable critical environmental, infrastructure and community-based projects to
link and integrate the tourism development of the area.
In particular the Tourism Management Plan will:
1. Provide a comprehensive planning framework for the development of tourism so that it can
play a key role in the development of the regional economy;
2. Elaborate a vision of the future direction and content of tourism development, which can
3. help to focus and guide the actions of the various stakeholders towards a shared goal;
4. Indentify areas for tourism development, related tourism facilities and supporting infra
5. Specify the major programs, roles and responsibilities of key players, institutional ar
6. rangements and resource requirements for achieving the vision.
Destination Strategy
To achieve the projected growth in tourist numbers and expenditures over the next dec
ade. the Central Philippines will have to move to an investment-driven strategy. Outside of
Cebu and Boracay, little investment has taken place in recent years in the Super Region’s
tourism sector. The result is that the tourism industry is totally reliant on its natural attract
tions as the motivation for tourists to visit. But the natural attractions, though unique in
many ways, are not sufficiently strong in themselves to attract the numbers required to
support a significant tourism sector. This is a primary factor driven strategy and character
rized by infrastructure inadequacies, limited investment in product, insufficient accommo
dation, medium to low quality product and inadequate airlift.
F. Environmental Conservation of Destination
Philippine is a dream destination for many ecotourists. However, this is the whole
Story of the Philippines. In fact, the low cost of living and doing business in the Philippines has also turned the area into a hotbed of environmental disputes. Tourist that are accustomed to western environmental laws may find the comparably sparse regulations present in the Philippines to be surprising. However, there have been a few legal steps toward preservation and conservation initiatives around the country that are of some note.
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources(nutrients, minerals, water, plants,
Animals and cultural resources. It may also include protecting the large collections of resources that make up a habitat or environment. Conservation is important to make certain changes don’t happen too quickly. Rapid change can force, animals, plants.
Places, or people to become endangered or extinct.
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
The Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management program seeks to use direct evi
dence of student learning as part of their assessment process for each of the pro
gram’s five student learning outcomes. To achieve this goal, department members
have designed a values clarification process that applies assessment rubrics to
course learning activities. This process, which occurs first semester of the s.y 2012-
2013, has the explicit purpose of ensuring that students demonstrate mastery of a)
critical thinking, b) communication, c) professional knowledge, d) integrative learn
ing, and e) civic responsibility in core courses within this program a) Critical thing
b) Managerial skills c) Integrative Learning d) Exposure e) Logical Reasoning. The following links are examples of assessment rubrics that embody the nature of this process. V
First of all I would like give thanks to our beloved adviser in Tour II Miss Ricah
Desta R. Te for giving us an opportunity to go and visit Boracay Island for an educational
Tour and for the Dean of the Business Department, Mrs. Ana Juline C. Dangalio. It’s a big pleasure for me to join this said tour not just because it’s my first time but I really wanted to gain more knowledge about the tourism industry and to experience how to be a tourist. starting that tour I have been thinking and realizing that there are no other home for me but the Philippines and my home town, Silay city. It’s just that looking on the magazines of different beautiful countries entices me to go there but there is deep inside of me saying that you are already in a beautiful country and that’s Philippines. Yes, I already prove it.
It’s more fun in the Philippines. We have a lot of beautiful spots here to visit and to value with. Idolizing other countries are good but don’t forget to love and look back to your
Country. I’ve never been to beautiful places before until suddenly they have announced that we will be having our tour on Boracay Island and I feel so Excited. When that day comes and boracay is on my feet I feel shock and a little disappointed at first because I never expected that our hotel will be that kind of hotel. The water has a bad odor, small and uncomfortable rooms, lack of amenities and facilities so that drives me to think that
I want to go home but when the next day that we had an ocular tour on the hotels near beach front. It changes all my perceptions and first impressions and that starts the unforgettable moments in boracay.
Boracay is a beautiful place that I cannot forget because I learned a lot and seen a lot of experiences. For me even there are difficulties and disappointments still it is the best tour ever and I hope next time we will not face another delays and difficulties like we encounter along the way but my visit is worth, the money is worth, I feel happy contented.