The United States of America has been recognized for multiple purposes, and have shown dominance in numerous factors and has also been recognized as the land of opportunity and land of the free. But what were the original intentions of our founding fathers to the United States? The founding fathers original intention were Freedom, Equality and Liberty and their goal was to create a government around such values. That said, freedom was one of the main intention of our founding fathers,and also one of the main purposes as to why people decided to come to the new world. So our founding fathers decided to incorporate that value into our structure of this country. Not only was this value incorporated into …show more content…
the structure of the country but also in multiple founding documents. An Example is in the Declaration of Independence “ it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles , We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here”. Here, congress declared that as people, they have the right to create a government based on the right of the people and later acknowledges that they have reminded them as to why they left europe and decided to immigrate to new world. Furthermore, it signifies the reason as to why many people left europe, which was the lack of freedom, implying that it wants to have freedom but unlike in europe. A second document as to signifying freedom is the bill of rights “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”. This establishes the fact that congress wanted to make a nation where everyone should have the freedom of being able to practice any religion. This clearly signifies how the founding fathers were wanting their nation be based on freedom because it allows everyone to practice their own religion, which also was another reason as to why people decided to take a risk to coming to the new world, because they wanted to be able to practice their own beliefs. Secondly, is Equality. Equality is sharing the same rights and opportunities, our founding fathers not only practiced to show equality but demonstrated it in the declaration of independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator”. This signifies how congress wanted it be self explanatory that everyone is created equal and everyone has the right to have liberty. Which shows how our founding fathers recognized how everyone is equal and everyone should have the same and equal rights making it one of the first intentions because they have declared and recognized equality since declaring independence. Another example of document which demonstrates equality is constitution. Equality is demonstrated in the 1st amendment. The 1st amendment speaks of everyone having the right to freedom of speech, right to bare arms, freedom of practicing religion, etc. This demonstrates the equal rights of each U.S citizen and demonstrates how congress wanted to make sure that everyone deserves equal rights because everyone is human and everyone deserves their rights. Equality has been a value that has been taken throughout the whole creation of the united states, making it a value that has been one of the first intentions. Lastly, is the value of liberty.
liberty is being free within a society from oppressive restrictions imposed by an authority which helps protect us as humans. An example being on the constitution, being the right to bare arms. That said, liberty is shown because it allows a citizen o have a gun inside his home. But it limits to only a certain use. The reason behind as to why our founding fathers have liberty as one of the original intentions is to make sure we have freedom but not having the authority to abuse it, because freedom is under no one's law and liberty is being able to protect freedom from freedom, basically protecting us from doing inhuman actions. Furthermore our fathers wanted liberty since the start, in order to maintain order within our people and create peace instead of wars. Another document as to where it shows liberty is the bill of right, Amendment IV because it limits the actions of our authority. Which clearly signifies how our authority can have freedom as to committing arrest but can’t search a house or person without a warrant. Which demonstrates how our founding fathers wanted to make sure that “each man's home is his castle”, in other words, no one should be able to go through his personal items without permission or warrant. Signifying how liberty has been a major part in our society and country and has been with us since the start of this country,in order to help create
To summarize, our founding fathers have carried the values of Freedom, Equality and Liberty throughout the creation of this country and wanted it be the original intentions for this country. That said, our founding fathers wanted us to have rights, instead of living in war and in destruction they wanted to help maintain order and create peace. Therefore they incorporated these values in order to for us to keep our human rights.