As an acquaintance, I did not expect him to cry or be upset about the issue. However, I did expect him to, at least, pretend to care about the ending of the series. He is definitely not a good listener (concerning this subject) because he was not engaged in the topic or overall conversation. He did not ask any questions, and he gave me back channeling cues such as repeating information and changing his body's orientation. In his words of comfort, he said that Vampire Diaries was a show, not a life-changing work of art. He negatively judged my emotions and did not attempt to comfort me in my moment of …show more content…
When I give a presentation, I would like the audience members to: maintain eye contact, reaction to my presentation such as laughing, smiling, or nodding; ask questions about my subject, understand and respect my point-of-view, and resist the compulsion to interrupt me. When the listener maintains eye contact, it illustrates active listening (to me). If a person is active listening, then he or she will react to the message given by me in some way such as anger, happiness, or even confusion. A person may feel an emotion and want to ask a question or provide a comment. This allows me to understand the audience member as well the audience. This also provides me with the opportunity to not only understand him or her but provide my point-of-view. In addition to these findings, I did not know that others' interrupting me in conversations bothered