your arm with the bite on it. Now it is starting to sink in, maybe you were bit by something venomous, or maybe you were turning into a vampire… You talk to your best friend that you tell everything to, he recommends that you stop watching old vampire movies and get over it, but you can’t seem to let it go. The pain gets worse, now your whole left side is numb!
Your best friend starts to notice and asks if you’re okay. You tell him that you think it’s a vampire bite, like the old legends said. This time he thinks you’re crazy for sure. Home is pleasing, but you investigate where the spider was the night before. It’s gone… Then you here a wild shriek from your sister’s bedroom. It rattles your bones and your hair stands straight up. You slowly push the door open with the arm that still works to see her standing on her bed staring in the corner of her room. “Whats wrong?” you ask with fear of the answer. She replies “There is a weird spider in my room and you know how I hate spiders”. This strikes you, maybe it’s the same spider from your room. You decide to examine the spider and research it on your phone, turns out it’s a Brazilian widow spider that is lethal to small bugs and rodents, but barley dangerous to humans. You do a big sigh of relief going back into your room laying on your bed. All of a sudden fangs sprout out of your mouth and you crave blood!! Turns out it was a vampire bite the whole