
Vanishes By Murakami

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Vanishes By Murakami
How was your understanding of the cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral?

Work Used: The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami During the interactive oral, cultural and contextual considerations of Murakami’s “The Elephant Vanishes” were discussed, providing me insight into these topics. One question that was raised was why is Murakami so popular? Murakami makes his stories relatable, this is how he develops interest in the reader. Many of his characters have a certain profile: Being conflicted within and losing their way. Characteristics that resemble people in real life. This was the first point raised in the discussion.

Another important point discussed being history. In the 1980s,
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These human traits and words used to describe the food provide us insight to the character's current temperament because they are the speaker’s voice. “A plume of white steam rising cheerfully from the spaghetti pot” (Murakami, 1993, P5). In this example from the Wind up Bird and Tuesday’s Woman, the steam is described as being cheerful. Through the speaker using an adjective such as this to describe the steam coming out of this spaghetti pot, we can get the idea that the speaker himself is in a rather good mood. Stories usually do not start on a good note, especially Murakami’s ones, foreshadowing that this state of mind will not last long. Another example would be at the end of the Wind up Bird and Tuesday’s Woman “take a beer out out of the refrigerator, and chug.” (Murakami, 1993, P33). The word chug here is more casual diction compared to the rest of the story, to chug is to consume a drink in large gulps without stopping. The speaker chugging the beer at the end of the story gives us an idea he doesn’t care anymore, drinking alcohol without pausing will usually result in that person drunk. “ I heave a sigh and give my head another once-over with the towel.” (Murakami, 1993, P32). The words used to describe his actions portray his inner psyche at the time, sighing because he is fed up, ready to just go with the

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