They were the kind of people in society that truly believe that their looks would carry them through life and that was the reason they would never be successful in life. Reason being that they obsess over their looks religiously, so they will never be good enough to themselves and they will eventually destroy their original looks. Sadly their obsession covered excessive tanning, dying their hair to the point that it starts to fall out, and caking on makeup to the point where skin on the face was no long visible. They didn’t understand that tanning like that would ruin their bodies 10 years down the road, that dying their hair that much would almost absolutely force them to shave their
They were the kind of people in society that truly believe that their looks would carry them through life and that was the reason they would never be successful in life. Reason being that they obsess over their looks religiously, so they will never be good enough to themselves and they will eventually destroy their original looks. Sadly their obsession covered excessive tanning, dying their hair to the point that it starts to fall out, and caking on makeup to the point where skin on the face was no long visible. They didn’t understand that tanning like that would ruin their bodies 10 years down the road, that dying their hair that much would almost absolutely force them to shave their