http://www.ec.gc.ca/water/e_main.html : This website talks about water and its preservation. It tells about the importance of water in our daily life. The purpose of this website is to make Canadians aware about the fresh water available in Canada and to guide them to preserve it. This website tells almost everything about water present in Canada such as nature of water, water policy legislation, the water management, and the water culture. This website tells us what to do and what not to do to conserve the water so that the next generation will not face fresh water’s scarcity. This website not only gives suggestions, but also asks for suggestions to solve environmental issues. We can find the latest news and the events attached with water. http://www.ec.gc.ca/ceqg-rcqe/English/default.cfm This website focuses on developing national guidelines for water quality. The recommended guidelines are mandated by various acts and agreements. The website describes briefly about the water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life, and for agricultural water uses. The website has PDF format protocols and guidance documents available to derive water quality guidelines. The link to the other environmental website is divided into five categories which makes the further research easy. The website not only provides the guidelines, but also accepts comments which are helpful to make website more efficient.
http://www.climatehotmap.org/solutions/index.html This website tells about global warming. The website describes the global warming as the most serious issue of our time. The website tells about the bad effects of the global warming on our health and on the different regions of the earth which makes people think about global warming seriously. The collection of photographs from all parts of the earth shows the early signs of the global warming. New map points highlighted the places which have experienced heat related