Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad is the fourth prime minister in Malaysia and his reign for 22 years made him the longest serving prime minister in Malaysia which also earned him the longest-serving leaders’ title in Asia. , Mahathir came from a generally modest background unlike his three predecessors known to all benevolently as “the Tunku”, princes of the Kedah royal family and all three received an education from England.
Mahathir’s dominant Big Five personality aspects that influenced his leadership style includes a high level of conscientiousness. He often shows self-discipline and is always aiming for achievement against the expected norm. M.Bakri(2003) reported that Mahathir made a big show of wearing a nametag and signing in for work every morning-always early, of course and this is denotative as only janitors and menial workers wore nametags in Malaysia.
Throughout his 22 years of administration, Malaysia underwent an acceleration in economic growth and social changes that transformed the country from a perceived third world country to one with one of the most powerful socio-economic in South-East Asia and this shows that he is also high in openness. His ambitious and creative personality as a leader has brought the nation to witness his auspicious projects such as the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), the new capital city Putrajaya and Malaysia’s very first sky scrappers, the Kuala Lumpur Tower and also the Petronas Twin Tower. As M.Bakri(2003) said, ”Mahathir has truly been, to use James McGregor Burns’ terminology, a transforming leader. The country’s physical transformation is obvious upon landing at the gleaming new international airport, driving along the smooth undulating freeways, or viewing the capital city’s impressive skyline.”
Mahathir was an autocratic
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