Alberta’s Labour Relations Code and Police Officers Collective Bargaining Act provide methods for resolving disputes including:
Voluntary Arbitration Board
Compulsory Arbitration Board
Interest Arbitration Board
Disputes Inquiry Board
Public Emergency Tribunal
Construction Industry Disputes Resolution Tribunal
Collective bargaining is the process through which employers and employees establish the terms and conditions of employment in unionized workplaces. The vast majority of collective agreements in Alberta are reached through negotiations without outside assistance (over 80 per cent) or through negotiations using a provincially-appointed mediator. Fewer than two per cent of collective bargaining negotiations result in a strike or lockout, a need for special action by the parties or special provincial intervention.
The Labour Relations Code automatically extends the terms and conditions of the existing contract that may otherwise expire while bargaining continues. This is called bridging and continues until a new collective agreement is achieved, a lawful strike or lockout takes place, or bargaining rights are terminated.
The Code requires the parties to meet with each other and bargain in good faith. Both sides must make every reasonable effort to enter into a collective agreement. If one party feels the other is failing to meet or to bargain in good faith, that party may file a complaint with the Alberta Labour Relations Board. If the complaint cannot be settled, the Board may hold a hearing, make a finding, and, if necessary, issue directives or impose conditions to ensure that good faith bargaining resumes.
At any time during collective bargaining, either party may ask for the assistance of a mediator. The appointment of a mediator is considered a regular part of the collective bargaining process.
Normally, there are four possible outcomes of mediation:
The mediator