Less commonly, it may be a result of dammaged blood vessels in the brain. (http://www.webmd.com/stroke/vascular-dementia) (Looking back, although Thomas Willis did not completely define Vascular Dementia, he was not too far off. He recognized that hypertension is a cause of "brain congestion", and now we know that hypertension can lead to stroke, which may then lead to Vascular Dementia) Symptoms of Vascular dementia include loss of short-term memory, impaired judgement, loss of motivation, hallucinations, trouble with concentrating and planning along with possible loss of bladder and/or bowel control and laughing and/or crying at inappropriate times. ( http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vascular-dementia/basics/symptoms/con-20029330) Though, not all symptoms will be seen in every patient. Which symptoms arise is dependent on which part of the brain was
Less commonly, it may be a result of dammaged blood vessels in the brain. (http://www.webmd.com/stroke/vascular-dementia) (Looking back, although Thomas Willis did not completely define Vascular Dementia, he was not too far off. He recognized that hypertension is a cause of "brain congestion", and now we know that hypertension can lead to stroke, which may then lead to Vascular Dementia) Symptoms of Vascular dementia include loss of short-term memory, impaired judgement, loss of motivation, hallucinations, trouble with concentrating and planning along with possible loss of bladder and/or bowel control and laughing and/or crying at inappropriate times. ( http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vascular-dementia/basics/symptoms/con-20029330) Though, not all symptoms will be seen in every patient. Which symptoms arise is dependent on which part of the brain was