Society has been subject to constant change throughout the years especially post World War 2. An internal issue that Frequently faced the catholic denomination of the Christian church was the ability to keep up with the social political and economic upheavals post World War 2. After world war two there was mass production, socity boost in technology, machines took over humn taks and there was great economic properity. The sexual revolution. In the political sector divorce was legalized, new liberation of women there were civil rights, feminist movement.
The church experienced significant difficulties to find a response as the morals of society were continuously changing. When John xxiii was elected pope in 19__ he realized the future of the church would be in great danger and realized serious reform was needed/. These circumstances eventually led to agriomento menaing bringing the church up to date with these changed. On October 1922 where he introduced the first ecumenical council
This aimed to create a church for everyone and was an extraudinary transformation of the roman catholic church.
Society has been subject to constant change throughout the years especially post World War 2. An internal issue that Frequently faced the catholic denomination of the Christian church was the ability to keep up with the social political and economic upheavals post World War 2. After world war two there was mass production, society boost in technology, machines took over humn taks and there was great economic properity. The sexual revolution. In the political sector divorce was legalized, new liberation of women there were civil rights, feminist movement.
The church experienced significant difficulties to find a response as the morals of society were continuously changing. When John xxiii was elected pope in 19__ he realized the future of the church would be in great danger and realized serious reform was needed. These circumstances