VBScript IP Array Lab Key
In the space provided below, copy and paste your VBScript Program Code. If it doesn’t fit, use the next page for the continuation of your sourcecode program In the space provided below to copy and paste the remainder of your VBScript sourcecode.
' VBScript: IP_Array_start.vbs
' Written by: Student Name
' Date: Today's Date
' Class: COMP230
' Professor: Professor Name
' ===================================
' This initialize a 2-dimension array
' of IP Address. The first index +100
' is the room# and the second index+1
' is the computer# in the room. dim ipAddress(5,3) ipAddress(0,0)="" ipAddress(0,1)="" ipAddress(0,2)="" ipAddress(0,3)="" ipAddress(1,0)="" ipAddress(1,1)="" ipAddress(1,2)="" ipAddress(1,3)="" ipAddress(2,0)="" ipAddress(2,1)="" ipAddress(2,2)="" ipAddress(2,3)="" ipAddress(3,0)="" ipAddress(3,1)="" ipAddress(3,2)="" ipAddress(3,3)="" ipAddress(4,0)="" ipAddress(4,1)="" ipAddress(4,2)="" ipAddress(4,3)="" ipAddress(5,0)="" ipAddress(5,1)="" ipAddress(5,2)="" ipAddress(5,3)=""
End If ' Query the IP Address in a given room
WScript.StdOut.Write("Please Enter the Room Number (100-105) ..... ") roomStr = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine() If CInt(roomStr)105 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(chr(7) & chr(7) & "Error, 100 to 105 Only!!!") Else room = Cint(roomStr)-100 End If
Loop While CInt(roomStr)105
WScript.StdOut.Write("Please Enter the Computer Number (1-4) ..... ") compStr = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine() If CInt(compStr)4 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(chr(7) &