The idea becomes more than black and white when moral, health, and environmental issues become introduced. To avoid these issues in our society, we as Americans should consider consuming less meat and animal products, but also steer clear of consuming animals that have been raised in unnatural environments.
Animals that are raised for produce usually aren’t very healthy. Companies stuff these animals with unnatural substances to make them grow faster to increase productivity. Understandably, making the transition into vegetarianism could be seen as an unnecessary transition. Most people support the argument that humans have dominion over all other animals. The reason that so many people believe this theory is because it is also stated in the Bible. Humans are the only known animal to be able to rationalize thoughts; our high intelligence levels have given us the ability and the resources to use non-human animals for food. Since other animals’ intelligence levels fall below humans, those animals also fall below humans on the food chain. Another reason one might not become a vegetarian is simply because of the taste. Most people would miss the taste of meat too much. Former vegetarian, Laura Fraser, points out that most vegetarians live in America and England, where the food is not the main tourist attraction (Fraser). Most Americans are raised consuming meat and other animal products, so they are used to the taste, texture, and digestion. Another argument is that meat is our main source of protein. Protein is necessary for brain development, and for the human body to build muscle and maintain cells, tissues, and organs. In the end, vegetarianism may be seen as a protein deficient option that liberals use as an attempt to save the world. Many animals raised for consumption in America are fed and injected with unnatural substances that their bodies are not designed to digest. Trace amounts of these substances can often be found in the meat we eat. For example, while cows naturally keep a diet of grass and hay, most that are bred for consumption are given corn and antibodies to eat. Many people do not understand why cows are fed corn: corn is incredibly cheap and full of carbs. These carbs make the cows fatter and allow them to feed more people.
Lynda Moultry, a writer for Life Tips and an advocate for free range meats, informs readers of the chemically altered harm that is injected into produce cattle. She gives her readers insight by stating, “We all have heard about the stress hormones which are released in an animal's system when he or she is in a frightening environment. These chemicals which are released in frightened cattle end up in the meat that you put on your dinner table. Many people simply do not want to ingest a product that is chock full of stress hormones, growth hormones and/or antibiotics” (Moultry). This sounds terrible. I would never want to bite into stressed and frightened protein at the dinner table.
Americans are very particular about the meat they consume. While eating cows, pigs, and chickens has become acceptable in our society, eating a dog or cat would be frowned upon. However, Peta researchers state that, pigs actually have a higher intelligence level than dogs and even three-year-old humans (“Peta”). Most people would not eat a dog and certainly not a toddler, so what makes these other animals so unfortunate? While vegetarianism may not be for everyone, the fact that most Americans have failed to educate themselves on where their meat comes from is evident. The justification of the killing of a living creature for the pleasure of another is arguable as the theory that humans have dominion over all other animals. Eating less meat would alleviate many of the problems that Americans are faced with now. For those die-hard carnivores, even switching to organic meats would help tremendously. This approach has worked for centuries, as it has proven in many European countries. This solution would help solve issues with physical health such as heart disease, stomach ulcers, and even some forms of cancer. Also this approach will help with morality issues and the environment. Since the animals would be fed properly and not be pumped with hormones, we eliminate as much suffering for the animals as possible and ensure that meat is safe and natural. Many say that a few people becoming vegetarian is not going to make a difference, but if the majority of the United States gave up meat for just two or three days a week, it would make a significant impact. If Americans demand less meat, the suppliers will supply less meat, which will lead to less water, grain and crop land being used. Also, there would be less transportation of animals from farms to factories to markets, helping the environment even more. These big meat corporations want to make money, and if they have to sell more organic meat in order to do that, they will. The harm that happens to these animals raised for consumption outweighs the pleasure that the meat brings to humans, so it seems like the obvious answer would be to stop eating meat, but we cannot simply force a whole nation to become vegetarian. We can however, consume less meat and consume only organic, free range, and natural meats. This would help eliminate problems with health, animal rights, and the environment. Organic meat is free of toxic chemicals and drugs’, suffering is cut down drastically, and the resources that would be used for the production of meat can be conserved. The meat industry is very large and it will listen to the demands of the people. For this reason, it would be in everyone’s best interest to eat less meat, and when consuming meat, choose organic meat products.
Works Cited
Fraser, Laura. “Why I Stopped Being a Vegetarian.” 7 Jan. 2000 Rpt. In Practical Argument: A Text and Anthology. Ed. Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. 526-528
"Pigs Used for Food." Peta. Peta, n.d. Web. 19 Apr 2012. .
Moultry, Lynda. "Free range meats tips." Life Tips: Move Up in Life. Life Tips, n.d. Web. 19 Apr 2012. .