Improvements in these two variables were positively correlated with time post-surgery. A significant improvement in glottal articulation was also indicated. It is important to note that these improvements may have been influenced by postoperative speech therapy. Further, the three participants who demonstrated little to no improvements in glottal articulation were diagnosed with additional anomalies or syndromes (anomalies and syndromes not specified). Finally, the participants with greater lateral pharyngeal wall movement pre-operation demonstrated the most improvements in hypernasality and weak pressure consonants post-operation (Liedman-Boshko et al.,
Improvements in these two variables were positively correlated with time post-surgery. A significant improvement in glottal articulation was also indicated. It is important to note that these improvements may have been influenced by postoperative speech therapy. Further, the three participants who demonstrated little to no improvements in glottal articulation were diagnosed with additional anomalies or syndromes (anomalies and syndromes not specified). Finally, the participants with greater lateral pharyngeal wall movement pre-operation demonstrated the most improvements in hypernasality and weak pressure consonants post-operation (Liedman-Boshko et al.,