Chapter 2: Literature review
2.1 Introduction The literature review will examine the most important concepts and the approach that will be most dominant in this study. In this study, we will look at the supply chain and its performance (Axsater, 1996). It will also consider benchmarking for supply chain and also the manner in which changes could be conducted to make credible improvements. The issues affecting the Vendor-Managed Inventory will be looked at from the perspective of a supplier. In this literature review there will be four interconnected themes which will cover the reasons for VMI adoption, the barriers that affect implementation of VMI, the guidelines and the models that are used for the VMI implementation and the emerging issues. This review will first discuss the main reasons for VMI adaptation in supply chain management, which will include the definitions and developments, the advancement of the VMI in supply chain, advantages of the VMI and the supply chain management in relation to VMI. Then this review will focus on the barriers or limitations during the implementation of the VMI.
This review will aim at explaining the issues that attract the supplier to the use of the VMI model for instance its relationship to the reduction of costs. The VMI has a big bearing on the cost of administration, cost of transport, cost of inventory, the service level of provision and the production of products. Also, in focus will be the limitations for these research for example the information technology that is required, the relationship of the customer supplier, the responsibilities of the supplier and the challenges this model faces in small entrepreneurship in comparison to bigger businesses. The guidelines that are responsible for the VMI will be another are of focus in the literature review there are quite a number of issues and steps that are followed in the implementation of this process. These steps may
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