Therefore, the question begs itself: where has modern society gone wrong? Despite extensive attempts at mass education, why has the advancement of knowledge not made people peaceful? Illiteracy can no longer be considered a reason since the best schools in the world have also witnessed violence in the last decade. The foundation of American society has been rocked by the repeated massacres by school children of their own peers and teachers for no good reason whatsoever. In many schools, metal detectors now screen every child before he enters 'the modern temple of learning'.
Immorality Originates In Spiritual Bankruptcy
The Vedic texts, a vast body of profound knowledge coming down from ancient India, provide thought-provoking insights into this sorry state of affairs. In the Vedic paradigm, knowledge is exalted for its transformational power. "What you know" is not considered as important as '"What is the effect on you of what you know". In marked contrast, modern education swamps students with information, but sadly the information brings hardly any transformation in the students. It scarcely leads to the strengthening of character; many of the students indulge in self-destructive habits like smoking, alcoholism and drug abuse; and even the best of them consider earning maximum money as their most important value. "Information, information,