Communication is important in every aspect in life. It is paramount to be proficient with verbal and nonverbal forms of communication to have an effective criminal justice system. Communication is defined as a process including several steps, amongst two or more people for the primary purpose of exchanging information (Wallace J.D. & Roberson L.L.M., "Oral versus Written Communication," 2009). There are many methods of communications some examples are signs, symbols, formal documents, informal documents, and verbal. Body language and micro expressions are forms of communication that law enforcement officers are trained to identify. A large portion of communication is expressed in body language and micro expressions. It helps a properly trained law enforcement officer to have a feel on actions that may happen, identify violent behaviors, and identify lies.
Correctional facility officers are trained in proper communication between co-workers, adult inmates, and juvenile inmates. …show more content…
It is paramount to formally document precise events and decisions that occurred in court rooms. In courtroom environments attorneys address the jury while the witness will be required to answer important questions in front of a large group of people. Many individuals fear public speaking and require training. Being nervous results in forgetting answers and not being able to properly articulate your thoughts and express them. This is why attorneys prepare the witnesses prior to taking the stand. Defense attorneys must be able to persuade the jury to thinking their client is innocent of the charges he is being accused. Proper legal documents must be written if people are sentenced or released. It is public record notifying the public why the accused was released and the convicted is sentenced for periods of time taking away their