Like most large successful companies, Verizon has many standard plans, procedures, and policies to guide the actions of their employees. However, Verizon’s commitment to focusing outward on the customer, eliminating bureaucracy, emphasizing adaptability, and encouraging employees to take risks, are clear indicators of Verizon’s Adhocratic Organizational Culture (Verizon (USA), n.d.). To begin with, early in its evolution as a company, Verizon established its Company Credo to guide the actions of its leaders and employees (Strigl & Swiatek, 2011). Verizon’s Company Credo espouses the importance of focusing on the customer, seeing change as an opportunity, and being willing to take risks that benefit customers and the company (Verizon (USA),…
Capital One created a culture that rewarded data and fact-based decision making which flattened its hierarchy and promoted innovation. Employees were empowered to test and learn through all aspects of the organization. Performance reviews were conducted by peers and…
They weren’t only trying to make sure that their shareholders were taken care of, but they were also trying to maintain a competitive edge on the competition. The way that they were wanting to make this happen was to use several different approaches. 1. Formal Statements – This was in the form of letting each division know what the expectations were going to be from now on. This also meant that they would have a clear-cut direction that they would be headed in. It put them in a better situation per employees because they knew exactly what to expect and what was expected of them. (Freifeld, L. Training Magazine)2. Role Modeling, Teaching & Coaching – This was the most extensive of the things that were put in order because it was something that wasn’t just slated for low-level employees. This was also put in place for leaders in the company too. It had an impact on the whole company. The commitment to leading and teaching everyone in the company showed that they were all about the big picture. This way would ensure that all the workers would know and understand the plans that were being put in place. 3. Organizational Goals and Performance Criteria – “Verizon’s three main business goals for 2011 were: 1. To build a business and workforce as good as its networks. 2. To lead in shareholder value creation. 3. To be recognized as an iconic technology company.” (Freifeld, L. Training Magazine). The way that they went about their…
Select a health care entity to focus on, this could be a clinic or hospital of your choosing. Review the debate that is discussed between Sandra and Juan and answer the following questions. If you were the supervisor of Sandra and Juan, how would you guide their discussion in determining the best improvement strategy?…
Introduction Versutia Capital experienced some early success in its infancy due to the emotional attachment its employees had with the company and its leader, Leslie Brinkman. Leslie provided a team oriented, supportive environment based on her core values that, in turn, attracted a diverse group of talented staff members. Initially this appeared to be a great foundation for long-term success. Unfortunately, the recent deterioration of the company 's performance has revealed that Leslie 's leadership under pressure does not match the core values of her organization. Leslie Brinkman must now ask herself "How do I behave under pressure and what signals am I sending my employees?" 1 Analysis Under pressure, Leslie Brinkman behaves impatiently. During office hours, Leslie loses her temper over fluctuations in stock performance. As one analyst recalled, "You had to catch [Leslie] at a good moment …otherwise she might fly off the handle or jump down your throat." 2 Outside of office hours, Leslie continues to ride her staff. One analyst recalled, "It was not unusual to go to dinner with friends to see that I had three emails from Leslie regarding stock positions …it was understood that I needed to respond, and if I did not, I would often receive a follow up from Leslie asking whether I had received her previous message."3 Under pressure, Leslie Brinkman is not team focused. Leslie does not allow time for staff collaboration. Staff work upwards of 12 hours per day and are expected to be available by Blackberry '24/7 '. 4 Analysts describe the work environment as stressful noting that Leslie puts undue pressure on them and frequently expresses her disappointment in a blunt, confrontational manner. An analyst noted, "I was feeling increasingly burdened… and I wasn 't sure [Leslie] would be sympathetic."5 Leslie admits that morale is low and that it isn 't the team oriented atmosphere…
Verizon has employed multiple strategies to evolve its organizational culture and embed specific principles, attitudes, expectations, and behaviors as organizational norms (Kinicki & Williams, 2013). After merging Bell Atlantic, GTE, and AirTouch Cellular into one company to form Verizon, the company established its Company Credo to direct the actions of all leaders and employees (Strigl & Swiatek, 2011). Verizon’s Company Credo formally outlines their culture of focusing on the customer first, keeping integrity at the core of everything they do, leveraging teamwork to stay agile, embracing diversity, and running to a crisis (Verizon (USA), n.d.). Furthermore, Verizon shares stories with employees, various professional and community organizations,…
Tim, I agree that Verizon has a market culture. Verizon has spent much effort in producing training tools for their employees in order to reach the company’s strategic goals. Better trained employees lead to satisfied customers and more profits for Verizon. Implementing Leading for Shareholder Value was another key step in the companies plan for market control. Verizon’s training of employees from top level executives to low level employees ensures that the company is in a position to compete with others in the…
Verizon has used role modeling, training, coaching, organizational goals and performance criteria, measurable and controllable activities, and organizational systems and procedures as means to change their culture. Role modeling, training, and coaching are routine methods used by Verizon. One of the company’s goals is to build a workforce as good as it networks (Kinicki & Williams,…
The aspects of General Electric’s culture begin with its leadership, and progress through its management, workforce, policies, and objectives. GE leadership provides corporate direction with a formalized set of values and action verbs, which guide the organization (GE, 2005). In lieu of a corporate mission statement, GE identifies its key strategies and initiatives in its annual Letter to Stakeholders (GE, 2004). The corporate office maintains a distinct presence among its sprawling empire. This empire is composed of a worldwide workforce, which is involved in a myriad of activities. To lead this powerful organization, management is trained and indoctrinated into the GE culture. The myths, and legends, surrounding General Electric, lend to the cultural identity shared by the entire workforce. Training, organization, and structure are established and maintained through several processes, and programs, which contribute to GE’s cultural identity. General Electric’s leadership provides the vision, which establishes the culture of the organization.…
I believe that Verizon is very much a Hierarchy Culture that seeks stability and effectiveness. *This was done by creating a leadership culture which needs structure and type of chain of command in order achieve a higher shareholder values.* Which was done by selecting individual to take a leadership rolls to help drive strategic goals and values.* Then reviewing results and progress of these individuals by a counsel with a very logical and ethical point of view.…
Koezes, J. M. and Posner, B. Z. “To Lead, Create a Shared Vision.” Harvard Business Review (January 2009): 20–21. Print.…
1. Changed the European logistics structure from a local viewpoint to a greater overall European level. To improve the company’s logistics, they began structuring for a centralized European planning function. With the new function, the process would begin by obtaining sales forecasts from each local market, monitor finished goods stock levels at each DC and develop production plans and stock movement schedules to drive the flow of finished goods to DCs to ensure a higher service level. The ERP and web-based systems needed to have a common system throughout the entire distribution function.…
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the strategies they will use to create value for stake holders” (Robbins et al. 2014). It was argued…