(1) Discuss the importance of the variable in the dependent set. Spell out the linear composite variate selected.
Canonical Correlations
1 .992
2 .859
3 .327
Test that remaining correlations are zero: Wilk's Chi-SQ DF Sig.
1 .004 251.994 12.000 .000
2 .234 65.351 6.000 .000
3 .893 5.104 2.000 .078
The third function should be removed because of its lack of statistical difference.
With the canonical relationship deemed statistically significant and the magnitude of the canonical root and the redundancy index acceptable, the researcher proceeds to making substantive interpretations of the results. Although the second …show more content…
|Canonical Function2 |canonical loading squared2 |Average loading squared2 |Canonical R^2 |Redundancy index |
|Dependent set | |
|salegrth |0.051 |0.002601 | | | |
|saleprft |-0.269 |0.072361 | | | |
|newacct |0.236 |0.055696 | | | |
|Sum | |0.130658 |0.043552667 |0.737881 |0.032136685 |
|Independent set | | | | |
|createst |0.266 |0.070756 | | | |
|mechtest |-0.232 |0.053824 | | | …show more content…
What does it measure?
| |canonical loading squared1 |Average loading squared1 |Canonical R^2 |Redundancy Index |
|Canonical Function1 | | | | |
|Dependent set | |
|salegrth |-0.976 |0.952576 | |0.984064 | |
|saleprft |-0.963 |0.927369 | | | |
|newacct |-0.944 |0.891136 | | | |
|Sum | |2.771081 |0.923693667 |0.984064 |0.908973684 |
|Independent set | | | |