ENG 391
Since the terror attacks of 9-11, approximately 2.6 million men and women have voluntarily served in our nation’s Armed Forces. As these service members compete their time in uniform and attempt to re-enter civil society and find gainful employment, too many are not succeeding. A Pew Research Center study in December, 2011 indicates that post 9-11 period veterans are reporting more difficulties in returning to civilian life than those who served in Vietnam or the Korean/World War II era. Most find themselves unequipped to successfully navigate the enormous psychological implications of such a dramatic change in self-identity and the unfamiliar challenges of finding …show more content…
Many experience considerable difficulty in returning to a civilian lifestyle. The National Guard’s soldier’s transition time is extremely limited. Unlike Active Duty soldiers, Guard soldiers return home from combat almost directly; they must transition to civilian life in a matter of days. U.S. soldiers have traditionally faced significant readjustments when returning from war. Since the Vietnam War, many returning veterans have been diagnosed with the invisible wounds of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These veterans’ coping skills have become drastically impaired. Guard soldiers are particularly vulnerable. They do not return to an Army base under the watchful eye of their platoon sergeant. They may not even retain close contact with fellow Guard soldiers with whom they deployed with. Guard soldiers suffering from TPSD are essentially left alone to deal with their readjustment issues, perhaps in the hands of uncomprehending spouse or …show more content…
One in five Iraq and Afghan veterans suffers from PTSD or major depression (One in Five, 2008). Unlike the physical wounds that maim or disfigure, the wounds of PTSD often remain invisible to other service members, family members, and to society in general (Tanielian, 2008). Realities of combat expose soldiers to traumatic, life-threatening events – some of which involve killing other human beings. Even more traumatic, soldiers witness their comrades being killed or maimed – or the lives of innocent women and children wasted in the mayhem of combat. A recent Rand study has shown that soldiers who have been wounded or who vicariously experience traumas (such as – having a friend who was seriously wounded or killed) are more likely than others to have PTSD. As part of the warrior’s journey, many soldiers go through a dark and challenging time after encountering life-threatening, traumatic wartime experiences. These Soldiers then experience either Post-Adversity Growth or Post-Traumatic Stress (Army homepage, 2014). If the latter condition is left untreated, it can turn into Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. But uniformed observers may not be aware of the invisible wounds that result from life-threatening war-zone experiences. But this much we can comprehend: An increasing number of soldiers are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan