VF Corporation is a strong and well-oiled manufacturing company. The success and growth of the company is attributed to their strategic acquisitions and upper management’s abilities to seize opportunities. VF Corporations has been around for 113 years. In those years this corporation has been aggressive and well informed about growth opportunities within the United States and abroad. VF has combined their driven culture, constant innovation and deep research insight to create products that will excite their consumers while creating brand loyalty. The values of integrity, honesty, consideration and respect has helped craft VF’s approach to environmental sustainability to help the future generations create a healthier living environment.
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The history of VF Corporation is a rich and full of changes. The company originally started in 1899 as a mitten and reading glove manufacturer. There were six owners, including banker John Barbey. In 1911 John Barbey bought out his five partners and set his sights on growing the company. He renamed the company Vanity Fair Silk Mills and included underwear in production. This turned the company into a lingerie powerhouse. In the 1950’s the company started to acquire other brands that would propel them into manufacturing history (Lambert). This started the expansion of VF Corporation. The company currently owns 25 brands and is looking to continue its growth into the Asia-pacific region. In 2017 the company reports that this region will account for sixty percent of the revenue. The five year goal for the Asia Pacific is to reach two billion dollars in total revenue (VF Corporation-Press Release). The VF Corporation is confident that they will have the strategies and people to continue to grow so in 2004 they have launched a Growth Plan transforming VF into a global lifestyle apparel company. VF has identified six Growth