This chapter presents an overview of this study. This section includes the background of the study, statement of the problem and hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of terms.
Introduction Bitter melon or ampalaya is said to be the most bitter of all vegetables of cooking in Asian countries. Different countries formulate their own dishes and improve its cultivation for a higher demand in the market. Ampalaya is also used in the field of medicine and it contributes to aid treatment of different illness. Furthermore, children do not like eating vegetables particularly if it is ampalaya because of its bitter taste. However, ampalaya has a unique nutrient that gives a healthy body and free from disease. It is good for rheumatism and diseases of the liver, aids in lowering blood sugar level and blood pressure, it can relieve headache, disinfects and heal wounds and burns, it can be used as a cough and fever remedy and helps to prevent diabetes and some types of cancer. These are some of different health benefits of eating ampalaya. Instead of eating ampalaya itself, it will become more favorable of eating if it is in a form of chips. This study will help to improve eating ampalaya and to prevent diabetes and different illnesses by using ampalaya as an ingredient of making chips.
Significance of the study
This study is deemed beneficial to the following:
For diabetic patient It is easier for diabetic patients to eat ampalaya because of having ready to eat ampalaya chips instead of preparing and cooking ampalaya before eating.
For children Ampalaya chips will have benefits to children because they can gain the different vitamins of an ampalaya without knowing of what they are eating.
For adult Ampalaya chips can prevent diabetes to those adults that were not eating ampalaya.
For the future researchers For them to have reference if they will conduct a study relating