Physics 7C
FNT 06
due: DLM 07
0) If you did not finish Activity 8.5.2, complete it as part of your FNT’s.
1. If you did not finish Activity 8.5.2, complete it as part of your FNT’s.
2. (Solidification) A 2m long string vibrates in the 3rd harmonic (n=3) with an amplitude of
A 2 m long string vibrates in the 3rd harmonic (n=3) with an amplitude of 2 cm at a frequenc
2cm at a frequency of 50Hz.
a. Sketch the standing wave on the picture below.
a) Sketch the standing wave on the picture below.
b) Determine the speed of justify your answer
b. Determine the speed of the wave. Brieflythe wave. Briefly justify your answer
c) Is there if the frequency is changed to 25 Hz? If so, how Hz? antinodes
c. Is there a standing wave a standing wave if the frequency is changed to 25manyIs so, how many antinode have? If not, does it have? If not, why not? why not?
3. (Solidification) The (Solidification) The lengths of guitar strings are changed in order tonotes. different no lengths of guitar strings are changed in order to produce different produce
Does shortening guitar strings guitar strings increase the decrease theof note produced by the shortening increase or decrease or frequency frequency of note produced by the strin string? Explain using the ideas we have developed in developed in this unit.
Explain using the ideas we have this unit.
4. (Application) A source vibrates an L = 0.8 m wire (imagine a guitar “string”) at a fixed (but
(Application) A source vibrates an L = 0.8 m wire (imagine a guitar “string”) at a fixed ( unknown) frequency, generating a standing wave on the string with a certain number of unknown) frequency, generating a standing wave on the string with a certain number of n nodes and antinodes. As a result, this string creates a creates wave in wave in not assume the antinodes. As a result, this string sound a sound air. Do air. Do not assume the wave i wave is