In contribution to the progress in which I seek came the experience known as JROTC. JROTC has been an amazing experience and just “a home away from home” It is not just any ordinary program but it is in fact an experience that was worth taking. I was introduced to JROTC by my older brother back when I was in elementary and instantly fell interested because of the teamwork, friendships that I had with the battalion, military discipline and the challenges i’ve had as a leader. Throughout my four years in the JROTC program, I have participated in the Men’s armed Drill team, Color Guard, and served as both Cadet Command Sergeant Major of the 10th Battalion (2013-2014) and Denver’s JROTC Brigade C/CSM (2014-2015). I am currently the Commander of the Men’s Drill team for Montbello, which is comprised of four schools that make up the “Far Northeast” or “Montbello” …show more content…
As of recent, I have been accepted to the University of Northern Colorado , University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Nebraska University, and at Colorado Mesa University. Whatever school I end up going to, I intend to continue my education in the ROTC department. I plan to acquire a bachelor’s degree in Humanities and Social Sciences and in ethnic studies and hope to eventually be commissioned as an officer in the United States Army.
I do not fear struggle and will always move forth despite failure.. Well, I suppose that’s enough about me. Since I am the last cadet and the only thing between you and that door, I’d like to conclude by thanking you again for hosting this event. The recognition and support that you provide to the cadets of the Denver Brigade are greatly appreciated by all of us. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful, amazing