Alcohol dependence, or alcoholism, is a long-term physical condition characterized by compulsive drinking, which a person is unable to control ( Grand et. al.., 2004)
College is a prime time and place for drinking. Although frequent drinking is common at this age,college students tend to drink more frequently and more heavy than their non
collegiate peers (SAMHSA,2004b) Alcohol alters the brain’s chemistry and increases the risk of depression, thus their is a possibility that may affect a students focus in his studies.
Another vice that is also rampant among them is smoking. In view of the known risks, why do so many people smoke? For one thing smoking is
addictive. A tendency to addiction may be genetic, and certain genes may affect the ability to quit ( Lerman et. al.'1999;Pianezza'1998;Sabol 1999)
Experienced smokers say they are more