When people fall victim to a crime that has had a huge impact on their lives, they are usually unable to take care of things that may interfere with their case due to the trauma that they are suffering. Victim assistance programs are government program’s that provides services and aid to individuals who at the time have suffered direct physical, emotional, or harm as a result of domestic violence or any kind of abuse. They may provide shelter, medical assistance, and legal advice. This came about when people started wondering why there where so many programs for the offenders, they had rehab programs and other institutions to help them become normal citizens again or help with an illness that they suffer from. They commited the crime why should they get all the treatment? What about the people they affected and what they took away from them? So it was only right to start programs that help those that have been harmed by the offender and give them some sense of …show more content…
That is the way that if has been since the beginning of civilization, it just human nature. This is why we have the justice system, to try to off set the wrong that has been done society. All we can do is either lock the offenders away so they can do no more wrong or try to help them, and as humans we should try to help all that we can. The sad truth is that there are a lot of people out there that need help but do not want it, and as a society there is nothing that we can do about that. All we can do is develop programs and do our best, it will work for some and will not for other, as long as we help the ones that need it then it is not a total