Drug abuse can result in increased risk of health problems such as illness, injuries and physical damage to the body or death; drug abuse can result in personal problems such as loss of motivation, or physical and psychological dependence, and problems at work or school; drug abuse can result in family problems like strained and unhappy relationships and family breakdown; drug abuse can contribute to social problems like increased crime and automobile accidents; drug abuse can also result in financial costs to society for things like health care, crime or lost productivity. Undeserving is the statement, “Drug Use is a Victimless Crime”. Who is not the victim when it comes to drug use! Drug abuse is a major public health problem. Drug abuse causes a multitude of health problems to the user and to the public. The respectful, taxpaying citizens of America are the ones paying the medical bills for the health effects drugs have on its users. In 1992, the total estimated spending for health care services due to drug problems was $9.9 billion, specialized services for the treatment of drug problems was $10 billion-this includes specialized detoxification and rehabilitation services as well as prevention, training, and research expenditures-, costs of treatment for health problems attributed to drug abuse (e.g., cirrhosis, HIV infection, and trauma) was $18.7 billion.
References: Bergland, D.(n.d) Comparing Liberal, Conservative, and Libertarian Answers. Retrieved July 11, 2008 from the Advocates for Self-Government website: http://www.theadvocates.org/library/comparison-of-philosophies.html Drug Related Crime.(n.d) Handling Addiction and Restoring Lives. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2008 from the U.S. No Drugs website: http://www.usnodrugs.com/effects-of-drug-abuse.htm The Economic Costs of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the United States. (1992). 1.2 Healthcare Expenditures 1.10 Updated Estimates. Retrieved July 11, 2008 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse website: Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved July 11, 2008 from Dictionary.com Website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/victimlesscrime