Victimology at the Transition From the 20th to the 21st Century.
Essays in Honor of Hans Joachim Schneider
Dedicated on the Occasion of the Xth International Symposium on Victimology in Montreal, Canada 6-11 August 2000 By the Executive Committee of World Society of Victimology to the Founding President of WSV
Edited by Paul C. Friday and Gerd Ferdinand Kirchhoff
2000 Shaker Verlag in cooperation with WSVP World Society of Victimology Publishing Monchengladbach
Special Print
Needed: Victim 's Victimology
by Sarah Ben-David1
1. Introduction
The principal aim of this article is to trace and evaluate the emergence, development and current status of the attempts to analyze and …show more content…
This view of science ascertains victimology as mainly an effort to explain and observe victimizing events, and to identify their measurable characteristics, without any concern to the value of these characteristics - bad or good, desirable or petrifying30.
Although the positivists drew attention to the victim of crime as an object of study and to the role of the victim, their concern was largely confined to offences of violence between non-strangers to which the victim was considered to have contributed31. Wrongly, they assumed that everybody knew what the term "victim" meanet32, and considered the term victim as being self-evident by the mere fact of suffering an injury by a criminal act, without any consideration to the social meanings attached to the label of 'victim ', versus that of injured, handicapped, raped or robbed …show more content…
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