Frankenstein is novel written by Mary in 1818 in a Gothic, horror genre; the novel is about a man called Victor Frankenstein who becomes obsessed with making life. Some people believe that was giving a social message about parenting and the failure of adults to protect their ‘child ‘. This is true in Frankenstein’s case because if he had fulfilled his duties of caring for the monster it wouldn’t have behaved in the manner that he did and seek his revenge on his creator.…
26. Why does Victor come to believe that his monster is responsible for William’s death?…
This year i was assigned a great book frankenstein that was about a man named victor whose ambition drove him to the end of his fate.It all started when victor was young and went to college to study life he ended up mastering his study.Victor then went into hiding to create the perfect human who would be wonderful in his eye, but victor was very wrong. His goals and ambition dove him crazy and caused havoc on his life but also gave him a sense of accomplishment.…
The text finally uses the interaction between Victor and the Monster to display the similarities of their misfortunes, but then completely contrasts the two characters, leading readers to create a larger conclusion about the text. At the end of the Monster’s life story he demands a companion emphasizing Victor’s role in his misfortunes: “Instead of threatening, I am contest to reason with you. I am malicious because I am miserable. Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind? You, my creator, would tear me to pieces, and triumph… and would not call it murder” (104). The texts ironically portrays the Monster as the responsible figure attempting to change his future contrasting him to the human who refuses to participate in a self-determined change of fate. Due to the fact that the Monster is dependent on a human creator, no decision he makes can ultimately change the fate of his misfortune. Victor on the other hand not only has the choice of the Monster’s happiness in his hands, but also his own fate. By displaying the Monsters inability to change his destiny, the text emphasizes the…
The main character trait between Victor and the creature is their love of nature. For example, “My country, my beloved country! Who but a native can tell the delight I took in again beholding thy streams, thy mountains, and, more than all, thy lovely lake” (Shelley 52). Even though Victor is grieving over William’s death, he still finds peace and tranquility through nature. The creature also indulges in the beauty of nature and he also finds peace. “Soon a gentle light stole over the heavens, and gave me a sensation on pleasure” (Shelly 75). When Victor left the creature right after he created him, the creature had no one to care for him so he fled to woods and found that nature enlightens him just as it does for his creator. “The sky became clouded; but the air was pure, although chilled by the north-east breeze that was then rising. But it refreshed me, and filled me with such agreeable sensations…” (Shelly 134). When Victor through the female creature in…
Is Victor Frankenstein a victim of circumstance, or is he responsible for his own destruction. In the early pages of the book, Victor already tells Walton and the reader that he is enticed by world and won’t give up on his dream of being successful in science, “The world was to me a secret, which I desired to discover” (Volume 1 Chapter 1 pg.20). Victor explains to Walton how he enjoyed the recollections of his childhood before hardship had soiled his mentality; he altered his future because of his obsession with Natural Philosophy, which would later lead from obsession to repugnance and the reader gets a sense of this as he narrates in and out of his story with little bits and pieces of negative words like his “misery”, or his “fate”.…
Every criminal, even if he did the most dreadful thing or the most simple has a chance to show his or her innocence. So why not Victor's creature? Victor has had a rigid live so far with his mom dead and Justine about to die, and being depressed just about tops it. Until he finally meets his creature at the top of a snowy mountain.During the argument the creature says "human laws, bloody as they may be, to speak in their own defence before they are condemned."( Gris Grimly's Frankenstein, Volume 2 chapter 2, 14) In other words, everyone has a chance and yet you don't even want to hear him, and still you will kill him with a satisfied conscience. Victor doesn't really think about it until he stated" For the first time I felt what the duties…
After finding a bag filled with books, the monster teaches himself how to read. Paradise Lost is one of the pieces of literature and after reading it, the monster finds a lot of similarities between his life and the book. The monster also realizes what a horrible life he has and blames Victor for creating him. This new found rage is what puts the monster in a revenge seeking mindset. Victor should take responsibility for this because if he did not abandon the monster at the beginning of the book, the monster would not have become aggressive and no one would have got…
The placement of blame on one person can often be hard to determine; in many situations, blame can truly be shared amongst two or more people, however one person is used as a scapegoat in order to keep the other away from trouble or punishment. In the fiction novel Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the blame of the tragic deaths and other events that took place was completely placed on Victor’s shoulders. However, this is because the monster uses Victor as a scapegoat and constantly refers to his abandonment and lack of knowledge as excuses as to why he committed these crimes. The blame between Victor and the monster should be shared.…
Murder is an act that is hated by all cultures, including the culture Mary Shelley lived in when she wrote Frankenstein. However, Shelley frames the violence the monster commits in a way that allows the reader to sympathize with the monster. This monster murders three people and causes the death of three others, but the reader retains sympathy for this monster due to Victor Frankenstein’s fault in the matter, his isolation due to society’s prejudice, and the fact that he begins his life inherently innocent, and repeatedly shows that he’s not just bad, but there’s also a good side to him.…
His first mistake was his decision to bring a terrifyingly ugly monster to life with much surprise to himself. He spent several years trying to bring it to life and then Victor spends the rest of his life regretting it. We find out that the creature is alive when Victor says, “when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.(40)” He doesn’t want anyone to know what he has done even though he knows that keeping the monster is not good. The monster ends up killing Victor’s wife, best friend, and his youngest brother. The monster also accidentally kills Victor’s father and 2 other people. Victor is so upset because he feels guilty, responsible and unsure of what to do…
I think Victor shouldn’t create the monster for Frankenstein. I think he made the correct choice because; Frankenstein may not keep his promises. Also she may not agree with the promises. She could also reject him, and he could go crazy. Perhaps she could be stronger and be more destructive than Frankenstein. There is also a chance that Frankenstein may not like her back and feel a connection. Victor can get in big trouble if he creates the monster for Frankenstein.…
In Frankenstein, the role of the monster and human are subtly revered with Victor considered more monstrous than the creature he created. This is because first, Victor is portrayed monstrous than the creature because he abandons his creature instead of educating and friendly introducing him to the world, which is itself a monstrous act of irresponsibility. Secondly, Victor ought to know that the creature will likely harm others, but due to his selfishness he places his family and friends at great risk. Some might say that Victor is not monstrous and disagree with the fact that he only wants creature to be killed, because he agreed to the creature that he will make the female form of the creature to fulfill the creature’s need and for his family’s…
While on a stroll, Victor’s brother William was found murdered “stretched on the grass livid and motionless; the print of the murderer's finger was on his neck.” (pg. 67) Victor later sees flashes of the wretch in between lightning strikes. Victor then fully believes that his creation murdered his brother, leading to the conclusion that Victor was directly responsible for the murder of William. Frankenstein’s foolish pursuit of immortality led to great personal loss that he cannot possibly atone for. Later, Victor quest for endless life leads to another victim, the scapegoat of William’s murder, Justine Moritz. Justine was convicted of the murder of William Frankenstein based on circumstantial evidence, as Victor refused to acquit her by telling his tale of the…
He could have spoken up and informed the whole town of the monster he created but instead did nothing. “I believed in her innocence; I knew it. Could the daemon, who had (I did not for a minute doubt) murdered my brother, also in his hellish sport have betrayed the innocent to death and ignominy” (Shelly, Chapter 7). Victor admitted he knew who killed William Frankenstein and did nothing to stop Justine’s death. Victor chose to let his friend and servant die than speak up and take action against his own creation. He is more worried about what people will think of him that he will let the female take the blame. No one would have believed the woman servant. Not only did victor not speak up and support his friend neither did the other citizens of the town because they believed she was guilty. “Several witnesses were called, who had known her for many years, and they spoke well of her; but fear and hatred of the crime of which they supposed her guilty rendered them timorous, and unwilling to come forward” (Shelly, Chapter 8). All of the people who knew her would not take the risk as to speak up for the female. The only one that spoke up was Elizabeth. Justine was executed because Victor believed his life, as man, was more valuable than a…