
Video Analysis Rubrics Paper

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University of Northern Iowa: Student Teaching Signature Professional Growth Assignment
Video Analysis Rubrics

Student Teacher ___John Jones_______ Grade Level _1st__ Self Peer (Circle One)

Feedback From _Jennifer DeVries________ Date _3-4-18_____

Learning Environment: How does the teacher demonstrate a positive learning environment that supports young adolescents’ engagement in learning? John demonstrated that he uses four different management techniques, as well as discussing the thumbs up and thumbs down concept. The teacher to student interaction was great during the whole group discussion. In both of the videos he had a student go back to their seat and sit down because they were causing some behavior problems
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(Please include time stamp)
Alignment of Lesson Plan & Instruction
Links prior academic learning to new learning
Clearly articulated objectives aligned to Common Core Standards
Includes differentiation for both enrichment and remediation

(9.20) John said okay this is false, but how would we make this statement true. I think that this is important for students to enrich their learning because it can be a bit of a challenge for them.

Involves students in their own learning via learning tasks that provide opportunities for them to demonstrate understanding, interpreting, reasoning, problem solving, etc.
Uses multiple strategies/approaches
Brings relevance to curriculum
Student focused

(2.35) Thumbs up if you agree and thumbs down if you disagree with Emma. Then Emma says 3+3=6, You don’t give away the answer by saying this statement, John say, Oh so you think 3+3=6. Then says will that be true and all of the students say yes.
(8.10) When a student was struggling to explain their thinking, John said, alright call on a friend.

Instructional Delivery
Clear expectations
Appropriate pacing and chunking of activities/tasks
Effective and efficient transitions
Suitable time

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