Rampage, shootings, killing, murder, blood, and gore are all things that people think of when they hear the words, “Video Game.” Video games have quickly taken on the role of being harmful too kids. Could this be true? Crime rates have been on the rise for the last five decades, so we must ask do video games have anything to do with this? Are video games destroying our children? Every time a school shooting happens people look for something to blame. Furthermore, in the more recent decades people have been blaming the violence of video games, for in these games you have weapons that you often use to kill people or other things with. These games have been said to be extremely graphic and aggressive and have many parents worried. However, after reading many essay’s including, “Art Form for the Digital Age,” by Henry Jenkins, and “Do Video Games Kill?” by Karen Sternheimer, I changed the way that I viewed video games. Before reading these essay’s, I felt as if video games had no other purpose but just to be aggressive, but now I see that video games are not all bad, for they are also a form of art, and art is not to blame for children being violent. Therefore, video games do have other purposes and are not completely bad for kids.…
Linda Bernstein’s article “Gaming the Console” addresses the possible effects that video gaming has on teenagers and children. The article supports both sides of the debate: whether or not video gaming has negative consequences. Ultimately, Bernstein lets the reader form his or her own opinion on the subject. Some scientists and experts claim that video gaming is harmful as it may negatively affect areas of the brain, academic and social skills, and can become highly addictive. Other experts argue that some video games are educational and have positive physical benefits.…
Video Games are essential part of our families; parents as well as their kids spend hours in front of their TV’s playing their favorite games. However, their kids’ brains are still developing and at this stage their behavior is being shaped. While society believe that Video Games can cause them to act inappropriate there many other factors having greater impact on their behavior.…
“Currently there are more than half a billion people worldwide playing online games at least an hour a day -- and 183 million in the US alone.” (McGonigal, 2011) There is an extensive anti-game lobby that believes video games promote violence, anti-social behaviour, and zoned-out teenagers. However, there is ample evidence to support my theory that video games have been unfairly maligned. In this paper I will examine research and anecdotal evidence to illustrate why video games are good for you.…
Video games have much wider effects than violence allot of games support a virtual world where a player has to use his or her spatial logical or knowledge to advance in the game. While it’s suggested that first person view shooting games can have a violent effect they often require and improve skills at physics when a player has to decide when…
Video gaming has taken the next generation by storm. Whenever a new gaming system is put on the market or new popular game comes out, the sales are through the roof. People who are playing these games are also spending more time than ever playing the games. Video gaming has become one of the more popular forms of media literacy in America especially in young children and teenagers. Is this good or bad? It is both, video games have both its positive effects and negative effects on children, but how it affects the brain and the way children interact with society is crucial to look at.…
Video games around the world have become immensely popular, a multi-billion dollar industry. An industry which revolves around the wants and desires of children and teens. An industry with a creation of unique entertainment like no other. An industry that continues to grow rapidly. Hours and hours are spent each day by youths playing these games, but are they really good for them? Are they educational? Games which educate a child’s mind exist but they wouldn’t be as popular as your top seller shooting game. Nowhere even close. Here I am today to tell, to inform, and to enlighten parents on the dangers of letting your child play these violent games.…
For years, people have argued that there are no positive effects of video games, for they induce violence in people. Nevertheless, if supervised, playing video games can actually help in a child's development, giving to the child enormous potentials in various aspects such as psychological, health and social.…
The playing of video games was investigated to observe and analyse the consequences on children. The effects on social interaction, psychological, in particular aggressive behaviour, health and academic performance were determined by the exploration of various research journals, and literature pertaining to such. Video games over the last 30 years have made an impact on the way children spend their leisure time. However, it was only during the last decade that any kind of research was done to study the effect of these games on children. Some results prove that are negative effects on young minds and behaviours, still others are inclusive as to the negative effects, while some favoured the games as a positive, especially in the hand-eye co-ordination and educational software. Some, however, lay the responsibility fully on the part of parents and guardians to control the amount of time that children spend on video games to negate whatever ill effects it may have on their behavior, health and academic performance.…
The controversy of whether violent video games invoke aggressive behaviors from children or the games are simple harmless hobbies has led numerous parents to consider the consequences of buying video games for their child. Each passing year, the contents and qualities of video games continue to improve dramatically. As video graphics and story plot lines become more complex, parents have become bothered over the violence that their children absorb when playing a game.…
It was Pong, the first ever arcade video game. Since then, video games have come a long way from just consisting of a pixelated ball and paddle. There are different themes and genres that appeal to all ages. From educational games to virtual reality the possibilities are endless. Recently, video games that contain violence and adult content have been under multitudes of scrutiny for being claimed to cause aggression in people and even change parts of the brain for the worse. Although it seems that playing games on electronic devices, especially violent ones would be damaging to children and adults, there are studies that show that violent video games have many benefits. These games have been proven to build self esteem and relationships in shy children, improve memory and multitasking skills, and can be used as a beneficial learning…
Video Games have come a long way since their first introduction into the main stream. With video games becoming more sophisticated and using advanced technology, it seems as if video games are closing in on the gap between games and reality. However, as video games become ever so life-like it brings up the question of if the violence associated with video games is having a negative consequence. There have been many accusations over the years over the harm video games are causing children and teenagers. Experiments have been conducted trying to associate a link between video games and aggressive behavior. Even the media has been known to point fingers at video games for the cause of children committing criminal activity. Despite these many accusations, I tend to argue that video games are not as harmful to the mind as portrayed by the media, and instead beneficial.…
Drea Christopher's persuasive article "The Negative Effects of Video Games" lists unwanted effects of video games. The writer emphasizes that extreme gameplay can influence kid's lifecycle. First, the author affirms that child is insufficient or reluctant to attend any hobbies or out of class events. Second, Christopher believes that an electronic gameplay abuse can have an unwanted power on wellness. Finally, the writer affirms that your son or daughter's contacts with companions and relatives may be damaged because of spending a lot of time on computer. Through research, I have found evidence that corroborates one point of Christopher's; in addition, my research has led to me think I have grounds to challenge…
Video Games and violence a topic that has caused many a spirited debate both in the classroom, and amongst parents and children. There are plenty of arguments both for, and against the issue. However, there is research out there that shows that large amounts of time spent playing violent video games can contribute to aggressive behaviors, poor academic performance, and desensitization to violence in adolescents.…
We live in the age of sophisticated technology. People are crazy about every new high-tech device: mobile phones, computers, satellite channel receivers, and video games. Children, and even some adults spend long hours in front of a screen playing video games. However, video games can do our children great harm on the physical, mental and social levels.…