Hence, it was observed that those who received the games before the assignments spent more time on video games then their assigned home works, indulged less in the after-school academic activities, had lower reading and writing scores, and had more complaints by their respective teachers as compared to those who received the games after their assignments. (Weis) This experiment allows us to comprehend the disadvantageous effects of video games in a convincing and lucid manner where one is provoked to approach this problem of addiction with utmost seriousness as it can be seen to sprout dwindling prospective for the teenagers at a ripening age when both their character as well as career development takes …show more content…
Nevertheless, keeping the context of teenagers in mind and their growing age where they are still on the level of learning and unlearning, the negative effects should be taken into more serious consideration. It is after all part of the human nature that we, especially at our young age, tend to use everything in excess unless some deterrents are put in place. Hence, the negative effects of video games clearly outweigh which necessitates frequent checks kept by parents and teachers on their children and requires them to place certain limitations to their teens’ video gaming activities to avoid any problems in the future.
Works Cited
Crazy affects of Screen time on your Brain. Dir. Gavin McClure. 2015.
Crazy affects of Screen time on your Brain. Dir. Gavin McClure. 2015.
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Your brain on video games.