Video games
Video games are not designed to burn off a lot of energy. They are not aerobic in any way, nor are they able to increase physical fitness.
Video games are able to stimulate intellect and help to teach people how to focus on one task for hours on end. It gives a psychological reward for extended concentration and effort.
Video games stimulate the competitive urge in people, making them more amenable to real-world competition. Competition is healthy and therefore it is a good thing to stimulate it as much as possible.
Video games force people to use logic and other problem solving elements of their mind. This helps them to become slightly more proficient at problem solving in real life.
Video games help people to come to terms with being on their own for long periods. This is healthy as people who are over dependant on human interaction are often mal adjusted when it comes to independence and having their own direction in life.
Outdoor activities
Outdoor activities are aerobic, even if a person simply takes up walking. This means that energy is burnt off which helps to increase physical fitness.
Outdoor activities are not really set up to help a person concentrate. In fact, they often involve allowing the mind to wander, as this is often part of the relaxing element involved with outdoor activities.
Outdoor activities that involve games are just as competitive as video games, and so are good for people on a psychological level. Encouraging healthy competition is what helps people strive to be better.
Outdoor activities do not stimulate logic and problem solving elements in the mind, but