Video games are becoming a part of our entire culture. Games with the educational value have the potential to change how the culture views video games. Since The Wii and Xbox 360 games have really become more of a positive influence. We now have games that have helpled people to excercise more. There are also games that stimulate interactivity.
Which games have been the most influential within the last few years?
Interactive games such as Wii sports, Guitar hero, tomb radier, Madden NFL, and games that allow a person to sing, dance or even play an instrument seem to have become the most influential games in the last few years. More and more people are enjoying them and are having fun.
How does our culture impact video games?
Social games and those with educational value have the potential to change how the culture views video games. People view video games negatively because of the sterotypes. The sterotypes must be broken to be able to improve the public's perception of video games.
How do you think the gaming industry has to adapt in order to minimize negative effects to our culture?
The industry must make games with a broader appeal and market them to a wider audience. The video game industry should create more non-violent games and do a better job of marketing them. They must makes games to fit different cultures, interests and popular tastes. They must also take responsibility for the violent games and try to make them less violent.
Exploring the Influence and Controversy of Modern Electronic Games
What are some of the most controversial issues you've discovered?
That video games have made Americans more obese. More and more people are working in offices and not getting enough exercise. Also parents need to be more aware of what kind of video games that their children are playing.
How can I explain the industry's response to concerns that gaming perpetuates obesity?
Gaming does