Socio 1301
Instructor: Nguyen Tuan An
Date: 15/07/2009
Midterm paper
Vietnam Education
Viet Nam, a country with more than 80 million people, is a developing country which is in the process of transition from a centrally planned to a market economy and world economic integration. Besides common challenges facing developing countries, Viet Nam is facing with greater challenges, i.e. the need to accumulate for long-term development and industrialization and modernization in parallel with the need to urgently alleviate poverty and create social equality in differently developed sectors. Beside impacts of integration, modernization, hunger alleviation and poverty reduction, sustainable development requires special contribution of science and technology in order to preserve biodiversity and cultural diversity, conserve natural resources and prevent environment pollution. Today, education is treated by governments and various stakeholders as an investment for future and is considered an effective tool for sustainable development. This common trend is also clearly reflected in Viet Nam and it shows both good and bad effects.
The good sides:
Firstly, follow the Marxist theory, Jerome Karabel in the book The Sociology of Education shows that “class interests behind a given pattern of education organization and seek to specify the social groups supporting the relation prevailing between school and other social institutions. To the extent, Marxism sees a harmonious fit between the education system and the surrounding society. Maxis show that whatever educational system exists as an essentially unavoidable reflection of the particular class structure in which it is embedded.” (210) Viet Nam, follow the China style, enjoys the advantages of a strong political commitment to education. The Government of Viet Nam attaches much importance to education in the development and is strongly committed to develop
Cited: Andersen, Margaret L. & Taylor, Howard F. Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society. (4th Edition). Thomson Warswoth. 2006. Anthony R. Welch. Third World Education: Quality and Equality. Taylor & Francis. 2000. David Levinson, Peter W. Cookson, Alan R. Sadovnik. Education and Sociology. Taylor & Francis. 2002. Jerome Karabe, A. H. Halsey. The Sociology of Education. Oxford University Press. 1997. Le Thi Hoang Cuc. Vietnam and Education for Sustainable Development: Reality and Prospects. Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO Head of Education Unit Report. 2007. World Bank. Vietnam: Education Financing. World Bank Publications. 2002.