It is located in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and is the tallest stone structure in the world, forever displaying the hope of the people. Surrounded by flags, it represents the ideals of America, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The flags themselves represent purity, vigilance, and perseverance, among other things, all essential to the success of the American Dream today. The background of painting gradients from a dark blue down to an off-white because there is hope even in the hardest times, and encourages striving for what is right even when it seems impossible. The lack of detail in the painting is indicative of the straightforwardness of the American Dream. It does not need embellishment, it is the same for everyone and exists in the simplest form in every American heart. The Washington Monument showcases the American Dream, the dream that every American can achieve anything they set their mind to, just like George Washington did while he fought for freedoms that we still live by in this modern…