Discussion VI
Shelly Youshock Feb 11, 2015 9:00 PM
1. Review theories and concepts described in previous units. Identify how they have been or could be applied to nursing practice and discuss with classmates. For example, how would Whittmore and Roy's (2002) theory of Adapting to Diabetes be applied to nursing practice or how would Kolcaba's (1994;2001) concept be applied to nursing practice?
In Whittmore and Roy's concept of adapting to Diabetes, we as nursing professionals educate individuals to maintain health within chronic illness. We give them the tools to manage their illness through education. Teaching about medications, weight control, diet and exercise. Routine doctor visits and laboratory testing as well as daily blood glucose monitoring. The middle range theory , adapting to diabetes is proposed as a creative and meaningful conceptualization of the experience of living with diabetes. (Whittmore, et al p315) Understanding of each individual's life context, goals and values will help us promote health behaviors in chronic illness.
By using Roy's theory of adapting to chronic illness a person has the ability to adapt stimuli, creatively, consciously, and positively. (Whittmore, et al p312)
Kolcaba's article indicates that if we make patient's "comfortable" that they will naturally engage in health-seeking behaviors(HSB). The article indicates when a patient is able to meet HSbs they report a higher satisfaction with health care.
Basically, the article indicates to meet the patient where they currently are on the comfort continuum. Give patients what they need to feel satisfied and comfortable from our nursing care. For example, faster healing-nutrition and hydration. Therapy for faster recovery and discharge also decreasing length of stay. Medications to meet health seeking behaviors albeit antibiotics to pain medications.
2. Debate the pros and cons of EBP's and why are they good for nursing? What are the drawback's?
Evidence based