was given to the king in which he would control everything in the kingdom. While, in The Year of the Hyenas as the story goes on Semerkhet goes on to meet mayors of different cities and many other high powered people like the Pharaoh and the queen. Going back on to how these two different cultures connect with each other.
In both cultures a worship of multiple of Gods is shown. In Anglo-Saxon/Viking culture they would worship multiple gods like Thor, Odin and Frey(The Viking Gods). In Ancient Egypt they would worship multiple gods as well like Osiris, Set and Horus(Millmore). “At Osiris Time, the hour for speaking with the gods was at the very moment when the sun rose, for it was then that the membrane separating this life and the next was at its most fragile”(Geagley 4). In both of these culture they had worshiped many god that can be related to each other. This shows how the two cultures were very religious and how their beliefs were large. In egyptian culture they had a god called Osiris and he would be the God of crops. Many farmers would pray and make offerings to him so that he could bring good crops. While in Anglo-Saxon/Viking culture they would have a god called Frey and he would be the god of crops. From this it shows how both of these cultures had similar beliefs by having god that do the same thing but just have a different name to each of these two