Identify and name any fallacies used by the author. If none exist, explain how you determined this.…
The most dangerous and fearsome pirate that I know about the most is Blackbeard the Pirate. Blackbeard’s presumed name was Edward Teach, but some believe that it was only an alias to protect his family back home. His cognomen, Blackbeard, was derived from his thick black beard and fearsome appearance. Blackbeard was a shrewd and calculating leader. He avoided the use of force, relying instead on his fearsome image to elicit the response he desired from those he robbed.…
Jeff Sypeck made this book interesting to read by ensuring that the book had a continuous flow. The flow of the book can be explained by how well the book transitions through key points and chapters. The flow is important to having an interesting writing style because poor transitions or gaps in explanation can confuse the reader can cause him to have to re-read, or lose interest in the book. It is similar to watching your favorite show and then having to stop for a commercial. This is something understood by most, and sometimes you may never even return to the programming you were previously viewing. That is why the flow of a book in very important in keeping the reader interested. Sypeck demonstrated this flow in his book. The parts that stuck out most in his book were transition between key points and transitions between chapters. Jeff Sypeck was excellent at picking the next chapter up where the last chapter would stop and also in the way he chronicled events between past and present using clear words so that the reader would knew exactly to whom and/or what he was referring. A good example of the flow of the book is found at the end of page 158 through page 159. Over three chapters and two direct quotes Sypeck covers three separate issues. Sypeck…
Prose makes the argument, through several wordy paragraphs that explore tangents and wander aimlessly, that schools are increasingly obsessed with diversifying their literature as opposed to actually finding well-written material. To support this point she brings up actual excerpts from the critically acclaimed I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. “‘Youth and social approval allied themselves with me and we trammeled memories of slights and insults. The wind of our swift passage remodeled my features. Lost tears were pounded to mud and then to dust.’” (Prose par. 12). Prose argues that this style of writing is convoluted and crammed with incorrect analogies and illogical metaphors, and she is right. Prose then makes the strange decision to attempt putting To Kill a Mockingbird in the same category of poor writing, but she offers no actual examples from the book to substantiate her claims. Without putting forth any real evidence to prove the book is of low quality, this non sequitur fallacy fails to…
Grammar, punctuation, and style- For example, does the writer use the past tense consistently? See…
The way a book reads in terms of words and language used is readability. When an author uses uncommon or unknown words throughout, it affects the way the book reads. When I am constantly looking up words that are unfamiliar or I cannot determine from the context, I lose interest. The constant stopping distracts from how it reads. There were a few words I did not know such as chanterelle and surfeit. Chanterelle turns out to be a species of mushroom, which I was able to determine from the context of the paragraph. I had to stop to look up surfeit, which means an intemperate or immoderate indulgence in something. Overall chapters 15 through 17 have great readability.…
Agger writes that “pleasure readers would be the sloths hiding in the jungle while everyone else is out rampaging around for fresh meat” (Agger 612). We constantly like finding out new facts about random and cool things, but if we do not find what we are looking for by skimming a particular site many of us will just go on to the next site and repeat the process. In Agger’s essay, he suggests that writers eliminate some of the unneeded material in order to sustain a reader’s attention longer. He says that it is the writer’s responsibility to change their writing style and methods by using only one idea per paragraph and providing less word content than conventional writing. These techniques will enable writers to connect to their readers…
The 277 page novel, Blood Red Horse, was written by K.M. Grant. It is a historical fiction that takes place during the Third Crusade, the story beginning at Hartslove Castle in England with a quarrel between two of the main characters, William and Gavin, sons of Sir Thomas de Granville, the head of the castle, and a young orphaned girl, Ellie. Ellie and Will have a strong bond tying them together, but because Gavin is the eldest son, Ellie is promised to become his wife when they are old enough. While reading and evaluating the syntax, rhetoric, and literary elements within the novel, as well as annotating it, I have noticed that it is stronger in some areas than it is others.…
After reading the story, I found I had mixed emotions about it. To explain, when we were getting into detail and finally finding out what really happened the day of June 28th, I found myself completely interested and glued to the book. I also enjoyed the way the incident was explained because I felt like I was there watching it all happen from the great detail. I enjoyed Phillips style of writing because through his writing, he really came off as an intelligent person who is very familiar with the legal system. The book is an easy read, and I liked the non-pretentious style of writing. I did not find myself struggling with reading the book at all, which made the overall experience that much more enjoyable.…
Brook Gladstone and Neufeld use a unique way to engage to her audiences by using a descriptive and entertainment style. They use a lot of details and word play in a simple way. By using simplicity in a style, the reader can understand the topic more accurately. However, if something is too simple than the reader will get bored because there isn’t enough material to get engaged with. Also the way they use history in their style to show the changes through the years is very intriguing. A nice example would be where she uses the romans in her illustration (333). Furthermore, the way the story feels when it's voiced is nice. Meaning of that is when someone is reading the story they can feel and hear the voice of the person writing. Feels like we are inside the head of Gladstone and Neufeld, seeing the process of how they think. Not to mention by doing so it really connects people with the authors themselves. Finally they're writing style is very unique and the way they try to connect with the audience differently than a normal author would is very refreshing to…
On June 28, 1972, James Richardson awaiting the subway train which would take him to work. He was stopped and ordered to “put up your hands, and get against the wall”. These directions were given by an off duty Transit Authority patrolman named John Skagen. Skagen’s actions seem unprovoked and unnecessary. After a short tussle the two men exchanged shots and Richardson fled the scene on foot. Two other officers that were on the main street above the subway station were made aware of what was transpiring below and rushed to the scene. As they approached the entrance of the station, Richardson who was fleeing the scene ran directly into one of the officers. The officer noticing Richardson’s wound attempted to stop Richardson and engaged in pursuit. The other officer continued down into the subway and witnesses Skagen who was in civilian clothes brandishing his gun. At that moment the officer emptied his gun into Skagen who was able to let off one round prior to the officer shooting him. Richardson was later apprehended and taken to the emergency room for his wounds. His gun was also retrieved. Skagen was rushed to the same hospital emergency room where he was pronounced dead.…
His use of repetition is another great aspect of his liturature. The repetition creates rythym for the reader and help the words seemingly flow right off the page. This is a great attribute for an author because it helps their audience get sucked into the story and not wanting to put the book down. One example of this comes from the novel The Grapes of Wrath……
I truly believe that Eggers has done an incredible research. As I was reading the book, I've caught me…
The Quantitative Qualities of Vile Villainous Villains What makes a good Villain? This year as we have read multiple stories and books, analyzing the qualities and acts of villains in these stories nearly all of them have been misogynist. Therefore one might conclude that Villains, especially good ones, need to be misogynist. That is incorrect, and I will tell you why, focusing on the Villains; Iago from Othello, Count Fosco from The Woman in White, and Jean Brodie from The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie I will prove that misogynist is a quality to make a good villain but is not necessary by any means.…
Crimes are legally defined and allow us to measure them; however, for crime to be accurately measured in society, it must be reported or detected first. This is an important factor when crime data is generated and compared. Due to multiple factors not all crimes can be detected by police or reported by victims, thus creating what is known as a dark figure of crime. The ‘dark figure of crime’ is defined as the amount of crime that is undetected, not reported and not recorded (Hayes & Makkai 2015). These figures can result in many people questioning whether official data and statistics from the police, the courts and correctional facilities are accurate.…