Ingenious, Creative, Powerful, Fun, Amazing
Presented by:
Khushi Mungur
Salma Burokur
Priyanka Ramsooroop
Darsha Dookhee
Romishka Soopramanien
Arshad Pooloo
Learning objectives of this expose:
What is Vine?
Vine in the B2B context – how is this getting trendy?
Companies who are already using it.
What vine can do for businesses in general?
Challenges when using vine.
How B2B marketers can use vine effectively?
What is VINE?
“Vine is the best way to share life in motion.
Create short beautiful looping videos in a simple and fun way for your friends and family to see. ”
It was essentially for twitter platform though it is now not limited to it and even has its own vine online social platform.
How does it work?
Quite similar to twitter with use of friend list, following, hashtags, likes, comments and search option.
Possess a dynamic home screen where all videos in the feed will play as the scroll down.
How to create a clip for a 6-second looping film?
Click on the
Tap & hold the screen to record To pause, let go of the screen Monitor your number of views & likes
Add a caption and share the vine
VINE VIDEO as example:
What has vine got to do with B2B businesses?? Well... Everything!
Video Marketing for B2B:
To Vine or not to Vine? o Recent research by Unruly showed that branded Vines are four times more likely to be shared than branded online videos. o However, the same study revealed that only 4% of these Top 100 shared
Vines were made by brands.
Video Marketing:
Is Vine a Digital Fad or Digital Fab?
A catchy Vine can promote an idea you would never have been able to convey in a photo, blog post or tweet.
Vine is the “next big thing” in social media that can be great for consumer-facing companies to share their message and directly connect with their consumer.
Moreover B2B Brands have a unique opportunity to distinguish themselves on