Age-specific survivorship (lx) and fecundity (mx) of the vine mealybug, P. ficus (Signoret) on three ornamental plant leaves are shown on a comprehensive data in table (4, 5 and 6) and figure (2). The first adult female emerged on day (20, 35 and 38) and the earliest egg laying was recorded just after (5, 3 and 3) days of female emergence and egg laying almost continued till the death. On the other hand the first adult female death was recorded in the 36, 46 and 49 day on three ornamental plant leaves H. helix L., P. tobira (Thunb.) and N. oleander L. respectively. Table (4): Age -specific life and fecundity table of P. ficus on H.helix
X Lx Mx LxMx XLx Mx
0 - 20 immature stage
24 pre-oviposition …show more content…
ficus were determined on the three different ornamental plants. P. ficus completed its development and reproduce on all the tested plants. Knowing the life history parameters of P. ficus on different host plants will aid in the prevention and prediction of its population growth, which will lead to the implementation of strategies to reduce critical economic losses and outbreaks in new distribution areas. Therefore, an understanding of the life cycle of the mealybug on different host plants is crucial for the development of a management program.
According to our results, the vine mealybug P. ficus can be consider a threat to the cultivation of ornamental plants in city centres, parks, gardens, road plantations and other areas. If the ecological conditions are suitable, the mealybug population will increase rapidly in a short time and cause significant damage to ornamental plants. Also, due to the fact that P. ficus has a broad host range, including field crops, vegetables, fruit trees, ornamental plants and weeds, the mealybug has the potential to become an important pest species in any crop