Aboriginal women are in unfortunate situations as most of the population lives on reserves which often have limited resources (Citation Missing). Furthermore, the women in the family are often dependent on the men for the basic necessities of life, therefore, they are more prone to family violence (e.g. sexual assaults) (Citation Missing). Due to intergenerational trauma, Aboriginal women often engage in prostitution or are more likely to be trafficked across Canada, herein lies the possibility of them being victims of sexual assaults (Citation Missing). Additionally, the odds are against Aboriginal women as most have limited education coupled with the lack of resources often serves as a pathway to avenues where they are more prone …show more content…
What this means, is that as a society we need to talk about the problem, give everyone a voice to express the difficulties that they faced or are currently facing heal from the trauma that has devastated their lives (Citation Missing). Furthermore, we need to look at the reasons why government officials creates structures that discriminate, institutionalize and disintegrate members of a community (Citation Missing). This is more prevalent in Aboriginal communities when compared non-aboriginal communities, the cycle of violence which leads to incarceration is never ending (Citation Missing). Therefore, unless root cause of these problems are identified and addressed, this social phenomenon will continue to affect these communities (Citation Missing). Furthermore, the violence plaguing Aboriginal communities are the tip of the iceberg, therefore, unless as a society we engage in some form of social change that considers rehabilitation instead of retribution, the problem will persist (Citation Missing). Unfortunately, while the Aboriginal society was colonized and is still facing the aftermath of it, present day criminal justice system colonizes our mind by telling us how to think and address certain situations (Citation …show more content…
As a society, we need to break away from conformity and groupthink, which our criminal justice system has conditioned us to do (Citation Missing). Furthermore, as the video (What would it look like?) mentioned “society has to create a future that is independent of an ethnic past and diversity should be accepted and respected”, only then can we have transformative social change (Citation Missing). Moreover, we have a tendency of punishing the offending and blaming the victim while leaving the community out of the justice process (Citation Missing). However, transformative social justice takes into consideration all three aspects, then through mediation, a solution can be established (Citation Missing). Furthermore, it bridges a connection between the affected parties instead of doing everything separately and it reconstruct the dominant narrative; retribution and creates a comfortable space where rehabilitation can be accomplished (Citation Missing). Moreover, a common understanding is reached where sharing, love and support is welcomed and judgements are unwelcome (Citation Missing). The offender takes responsibility for their actions and provides a sincere apology to the victims; this allows the offender to start their healing process (Citation Missing). Furthermore, the